Hydraulic Torque Wrench HPR and tools by Plarad
The ultimate power package: the HPR continues where others leave off. The perfect design allows use in limeted clearance and hard to reach areas. The swivelling reaction arm can be …
Hydraulic Torque Wrenches | Plarad
Plarad’s hydraulic tools and torque wrenches are powerful and flexible system solutions that can be used in any industry. Hydraulic torque wrenches combine precision, power, compactness and reliability, making them an excellent choice for many industrial applications.
Bolting technology and torque wrenches | Plarad
Manually operated torque multipliers by Plarad – the economic solutions for torques up to 10,000 Nm. The fully automatic battery powered hydraulic power pack up to 800bar. Starter power …
HPR - High-power hydraulic tool - PLARAD - DirectIndustry
The mighty PLARAD HPR hydraulic torque tool makes quick and easy work of tightening and loosening nuts and bolts in the most cramped of situations. A PLARAD HPR needs no more clearance than a conventional ring wrench. The ring inserts are quickly ftted, as is …
液压扭力扳手 - HPR series - PLARAD - Maschinenfabrik Wagner
HPR 具有较长的使用寿命和出色的板材质量,尤其适用于大型螺栓连接。 此外,它们还具有最大 150 000 牛米的超强扭矩和最大 800 巴的系统压力。 这种扳手几乎可以立即更换刀片,而且环形扳手刀片的穿透力极强(半径窄)。 此外,它们还具有较大的平面宽度。
PLARAD液压扳手 HPR-液压工具-拧紧工具-产品-晨马智能科技
HPR - PLARAD - Maschinenfabrik Wagner - PDF Catalogs
Consult PLARAD - Maschinenfabrik Wagner's entire HPR catalogue on DirectIndustry. Page: 1/7
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Hydraulic torque wrench - HPR series - PLARAD
HPR offers a long service life and excellent plarad quality and is particularly suited for large bolting joints. Adding to this, they boast a supreme torque of a maximum of 150,000 Nm ad a system pressure of a maximum 800 bar. They also offer almost instant insert replacement and extreme penetration of the ring spanner inserts (narrow radii).
Schraubtechnik Hydraulischer Drehschrauber HPR bei Plarad
Das ultimative Kraftpaket: der HPR von Plarad macht da weiter, wo andere aufhören. Löst schwierige Verschraubungen zum Beispiel im Bereich Schwerindustrie und Wasserkraft Trotz …