  1. The Beauty of Sycamore Trees in Fall - Stone Post …

    2024年9月2日 · When autumn arrives, one of the most striking trees as its leaves change color is the American sycamore (Platanus occidentalis). With its massive size and broad, mapled-shaped leaves, a sycamore in fall foliage is a sight to …

  2. Platanus occidentalis - Wikipedia

  3. American Sycamore Tree - Forestry.com

    2023年11月14日 · The American sycamore tree, scientifically known as Platanus occidentalis, stands as a majestic emblem of North American landscapes. Recognizable by its distinct mottled bark that peels away in puzzle-like …


    • Fall


  4. Platanus occidentalis L - US Forest Service Research …

    Sycamore Platanaceae -- Sycamore family O. O. Wells and R. C. Schmidtling Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) is a common tree and one of the largest in the eastern deciduous forests. Other names are American planetree, buttonwood, …

  5. Platanus occidentalis - Plant Finder - Missouri Botanical Garden

  6. ENH643/ST484: Platanus occidentalis: Sycamore - EDIS

    The National Arboretum in 1984 released two selections of Platanus occidentalis x Platanus orientalis which could prove to be superior to the parents: Platanus x acerifolia `Columbia' - upright, orange-grey bark, five-lobed leaves; Platanus x …

  7. Platanus occidentalis - Native Plant Society of Texas

    A very large, wide canopied tree with striking peeling, grey bark. Large, maple-shaped leaves turn brown in fall. Many tiny flowers occur in dense, spherical heads: the male flower heads short-stalked and dark red; the female flower …

  8. Platanus occidentalis (American Sycamore) - Gardenia

    Platanus occidentalis, commonly known as the American Sycamore or Western Plane, is a robust, deciduous tree. It’s known for its grandeur, fast growth rate, and distinctive, exfoliating bark.