0 A.D. | A free, open-source game of ancient warfare
2025年1月30日 · Easy download and install. Download and installation instructions are available for Windows, Linux, and macOS. 0 A.D. is free software. This means you can download, redistribute, modify and contribute to the application under the same licenses: GNU Public Licence version 2 (GPL v2) for code and Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0 (CC …
0 A.D. | A free, open-source game of ancient warfare
Currently, 0 A.D. is still in alpha phase, which means an early experimental phase. It is playable, and you can already download and test the game, but some features are still missing. When will 0 A.D. be released? It is very hard to predict.
0 A.D. | A free, open-source game of ancient warfare
Version: 8, 8.1, 10, 11 Processor: 3 GHz Intel or x86 compatible Memory: At least 2 GB Graphics Card: Any supporting OpenGL 2.1 with 3D hardware accelerated drivers and at least 128 MB memory, e.g., Radeon 9000, GeForce 3, or similar Screen resolution: 1024x768 or above Disk Space : 3.60 GB
0 A.D. | A free, open-source game of ancient warfare
2024年12月31日 · 0 A.D. is a free, open-source, historical Real Time Strategy (RTS) game currently under development by Wildfire Games, a global group of volunteer game developers.
0 A.D. | A free, open-source game of ancient warfare
2016年12月31日 · We will be at the 2022 Play Sorbonne U event Posted on September 27, 2022 by Stan in News The team behind 0 A.D: Empires Ascendant will be holding a booth for 1 day in Paris, France on the 1st of October 2022.
0 A.D. | A free, open-source game of ancient warfare
2012年10月21日 · In a nutshell, in 0 A.D., you start out with three things:. Buildings, such as civic centers,; Units, such as female citizens and male soldiers, that you can move around the map and use to gather resources, build or fight, and; Some initial amounts of four resources: Food, Wood, Stone and Metal.; In 0 A.D., you need to gather more of these four resources, and then use …
0 A.D. | A free, open-source game of ancient warfare
Multiplayer Lobby: The new in-game multiplayer lobby is a place to meet other players and play games together. Meet the entire 0 A.D. community online and face the challenge of a multiplayer game!
0 A.D. | A free, open-source game of ancient warfare
Translation and locale support: Play 0 A.D. in over a dozen languages. Powerful map editor: Draw landscapes with a palette of hundreds of terrains, build majestic cities and set the position of the sun in the Atlas Editor, your tool to design intricately detailed maps in 0 A.D.
0 A.D. | A free, open-source game of ancient warfare
2018年5月17日 · So if you ever wanted to play a game where you can choose between defeating the enemy by taking out the hero or starting an ambush on the relics after building a city-state and assembling an army, now is the time!
0 A.D. | A free, open-source game of ancient warfare
Known Issues. Although we have made a great deal of progress, there are still many things left to implement and fix in 0 A.D. Here is a partial list (full list here):Lag – The game does not run as fast as we would like because of several reasons, mainly pertaining AI and pathfinding. The problem worsens in these conditions: (1) when there are many units on the map, (2) on island maps, …