What is the origin of the phrase "playing hooky"?
2024年2月14日 · Hooky was once slang, but it has lasted so well that it is now Standard in its idiom. And Dick Wilkinson, Concise Thesaurus of Traditional English Metaphors (2013) reports that the phrase "hook Jack" was used in the sense of "play truant" during the period 1840–1850: Hook Jack {Amer: 1840-50}/Play hookey [Amer]. Play truant.
grammatical number - "Neither Michael nor Albert is correct" or ...
2010年8月17日 · Neither Michael nor Albert is correct — this is the correct version per prescriptive rules.. Based on my understanding of grammar lessons,
Which should I use with "neither/nor": "has" or "have"?
Possible Duplicates: Which is correct, “neither is” or “neither are”? “Neither Michael nor Albert is correct” or “Neither Michael nor Albert are correct&
etymology - What is the origin of cattywampus - English Language ...
2016年10月24日 · The word catawampus in various spellings and syntactical guises has been in use in the United Sates since at least 1833, when James Paulding used the expression in his play about David Crockett, The Lion of the West. It appears as part of a letter from Colonel Nimrod Wildfire [Crockett] of Kentucky to his uncle, Peter Freeman: FREEMAN. ...
grammar - play piano v.s. play the piano - English Language
2017年1月26日 · They will usually say "I play guitar" even if there is only one guitarist in the band and they play only one instrument at any given gig. Not only that but if the same person takes one of his guitars into a street and busks a member of the public might report it to someone else as "I saw a guy playing a guitar in the street today".
prepositions - Difference between 'play you' and 'play with you ...
2011年12月5日 · Like, if you're on a tennis court, and people are waiting around to play, and you're discussing who plays with whom next. – Mr. Shiny and New 安宇 Commented Dec 5, 2011 at 13:25
A word to describe hidden sexual intent... play on words
2015年7月9日 · The word is Double-Entendre. This can refer to any sentence with two meanings, but most often is used when one meaning of a sentence is innocent and the other is sexual.
Is there a name for "the string of characters typed randomly on a ...
The act of rapidly pressing/hitting controller button(s) or (a) keyboard to play the game. As always, there is an xkdc reference: this strip refers to 'fjafjkldsf' as " randomly keyboard mashing ". Share
Word for "from this point of the document on it will be called …
2010年12月29日 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
'With' vs 'by' - where to use these two preposition in an English ...
2015年8月7日 · Living or non-living is not the issue. I travel by plane. I travel by horse. I go with style. I go with God. ...