Your Boyfriend Game - INVERTED MIND INC.COM
Just 1$ will get you in where you will get behind the scene look, current development, concept art, peeks at the script, etc. On top of that you'll be able to play the days as they are released! So …
Your Boyfriend (Video Game) | Your Boyfriend Wiki | Fandom
Your Boyfriend (address YB for short) is an 18+ Visual Novel, where it follows at dealing with a man's unhealthy desire to have you over of five days, no matter who gets murdered. While the …
Your Boyfriend Updates! | Patreon
2021年7月7日 · We will be offering more updates on YBF regarding the technical sides of things, as well as the budding survival horror game, "Harrow Home" in the days to come. Best wishes!
Your Boyfriend Archives - Black Shepherd Games, Ltd
Development stream for Unity and Fungus visual novel editor for Inverted Mind Inc's erotic horror game, "Your Boyfriend". LaughingMan is joined by Patreon fans and friends, Tyra and …
2019年7月13日 · LaughingMan (Hyenaman?) and Nat join Fuboo and Nuka to show some of the progress of her “Your Boyfriend” visual novel to the loyal fandom of Fuboo’s “Inverted Mind …
Peter - Your Boyfriend Wiki | Fandom
Peter is a man whose heart is suffering from his unhealthy love. He is a desperate psychopath who will do everything possible to show how much he loves you in his perverted sense. When …
[your boyfriend game](互动视频)第一天demo CC字幕熟肉_哔哩 …
简介:游戏官网https://www.blackshepherd.;更多实用攻略教学,爆笑沙雕集锦,你所不知道的游戏知识,热门游戏视频7*24小时持续更新,尽在哔哩哔哩bilibili 视频播放量 307885、弹幕量 …
Your Boyfriend - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
Peter Dunbar 是由 Inverted Mind INC. 所制作的视觉小说《Your Boyfriend Game》及其衍生作品的登场角色。 Peter有一身灰色的皮肤, 曾经有过一头黑发,但在评测时被失败产品腐蚀了, …
Y/N | Your Boyfriend Wiki | Fandom
Y/N, also known as Your Name, is the main protagonist of Your Boyfriend and Peter 's obsessive love interest. All decisions, behavior, and actions of Y/N are based on the player's choices. …
我就是想来这里问一下..your boyfriend game这个官网在哪?
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