PLC+: Better Decisions and Greater Impact by Design
2019年6月17日 · Grounded in four cross-cutting themes―equity, high expectations, efficacy, and facilitation from discussion to action―the PLC+ framework supports educators in questioning practices, not just outcomes.
- 4.7/5(194)
PLC+ - Corwin
PLC+ is more than just collaboration; it's a reinvention of the Professional Learning Community model that is equity-focused, rooted in evidence-based instruction, and promotes teacher agency.
可编程逻辑控制器 - 百度百科
可编程 逻辑控制 器 (Programmable Logic Controller,PLC),一种具有 微处理器 的用于自动化控制的数字 运算控制器,可以将 控制指令 随时载入内存进行储存与执行。 可编程控制器 由 CPU 、指令及数据内存、输入/ 输出接口 、电源、 数字模拟转换 等功能单元组成。
S7-1500PLC+变频器+编码器组成位置控制系统 - 知乎
2.1 S7-1500系列PLC+变频器+编码器组成位置控制系统. 系统搭建示意图. 本文中的实例项目使用 CPU1516-3PN/DP 通过 PN 通讯控制 G120 变频器,通过安装在电机后面的编码器连接到工艺模块 TM Count24V 作为位置反馈。 轴定位功能图. 2.2 系统硬件组态. 1.硬件组成. CPU型号: 1516-3 PN/DP 订货号: 6ES7 516-3AN00-0AB0 FW V1.6. TM技术模块: 2x24V 订货号:6ES7 550-1AA00-0AB0 FW V1.1. G120变频器:CU250-2S 订货号:6SL3 246-0BA22-1FA0 FW V4.6.
PLC+ Self-Assessment As an activator, you will engage in a self-assessment about your current PLC. Rate your team from 1 to 4 for each of the six characteristics that describe an effective PLC.
PLC+: Better Decisions and Greater Impact by Design
“The inclusion of instructional strategies into the PLC process is critical. Knowing what our students need to learn isn’t enough. We must provide the learning, measure the learning, and make instructional adjustments as well! This book offers it all!” — Carol Flenard, Assistant Superintendent of Instruction, Spotsylvania County Public Schools.
PLC+: A Playbook for Instructional Leaders - amazon.com
2023年7月19日 · Designed as a companion to PLC+: Better Decisions and Greater Impact by Design and The PLC+ Playbook, this easy-to-use playbook for school leaders provides strategies, techniques, and evidence-based approaches to help leaders foster successful collaboration among teachers and positively impact student learning.
- 4.6/5(10)
PLC+ Books & Resources - Corwin
Designed as an accompanying resource to PLC+: Better Decisions and Greater Impact by Design, the Playbook helps educators bring the PLC+ framework to life by supporting teams as they answer the five guiding questions that comprise a PLC+: Where are we going? Where are we now?. How do we move learning forward?. What did we learn today?
PLC+ - Corwin
2019年6月3日 · The PLC+ framework leads educators to question practices as well as outcomes. It broadens the focus on student learning to encompass educational equity and teaching efficacy, and, in doing so, it leads educators to plan and implement learning communities that maximize individual expertise while harnessing the power of collaborative efficacy.
PLC - 上海步科自动化股份有限公司 _Kinco步科
结合步科hmi+plc+物联网的优势技术 - 工业级设计,高性能CPU,应用全新的DTools软件技术平台; - 提供远程上下载,透传PLC,VNC监控,设备管理等远程运维功能;
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