Apical cap | Radiology Reference Article | Radiopaedia.org
2025年1月11日 · Apical caps cover the lung apices and often bilateral. They can be chronic, due to fibrosis or acute due to pleural or extra-pleural fluid. The frequency of chronic apical pleural thickening increases with age 3. There may be a slightly greater male predilection 7.
Pulmonary Apical Cap as a Potential Risk Factor for ... - CHEST
Pleuroparenchymal fibroelastosis (PPFE) is a progressive and frequently fatal interstitial lung disease that involves the upper lobes. Although its cause remains unknown, the histopathologic evidence underlying PPFE bears striking resemblance to that of the pulmonary apical cap (PAC), a relatively common and benign entity.
Pleural thickening on screening chest X-rays: a single institutional ...
2019年7月5日 · Pleural thickening is a common finding on routine chest X-rays. It typically involves the apex of the lung, which is called ‘pulmonary apical cap’. On chest X-rays, the apical cap is an irregular density located at the extreme apex and is less than 5 mm in width [1].
Pulmonary Apical Cap—What's Old Is New Again
2015年10月1日 · The pulmonary apical cap (PAC) is a morphologically distinct type of unilateral or bilateral fibroelastotic scar involving the lung apices. Despite being relatively common and having been described more than a hundred years ago, it remains underappreciated as a unique diagnostic entity by clinicians, radiologists, and pathologists alike.
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The apical cap - AJR
pleural thickening are commonly seen intuberculosis, chronic fungal disease, oranynecrotizing pneumonia inthe apicalpartoftheupperlobeswhichincitesanactivepleuritis
Solid Pleural Lesions - AJR
2012年11月23日 · The most common solid pleural lesions include benign, malignant, and borderline processes. The most common solid pleural lesion-mass is pleural thickening, which can be localized or diffuse, unilateral or bilateral, and calcified or noncalcified.
The apical cap - AJR
2012年11月23日 · Apical caps, either unilateral or bilateral, are a common feature of advancing age and are usually the result of subpleural scarring unassociated with other diseases. Pancoast (superior sulcus) tumors are a well recognized cause of unilateral asymmetric apical density.
The apical cap - PubMed
The apical cap AJR Am J Roentgenol. 1981 Aug;137(2):299-306. doi: 10.2214/ajr.137.2.299. Authors T C McLoud, R J Isler, R A Novelline, C E Putman, J Simeone, P Stark. PMID: 6789637 DOI: 10.2214/ajr.137.2.299 Abstract Apical caps, either unilateral or bilateral, are a common feature of advancing age and are usually the result of subpleural ...
Benign Pleural Thickening - Radiology Key
2019年7月21日 · Apical cap and right pneumothorax. Coronal reconstruction of high-resolution CT image shows a small right pneumothorax outlining the right apical pleural thickening (arrow); an apical cap is present only on the right side.
Pulmonary apical cap - Libre Pathology
2018年2月3日 · Pulmonary apical cap, abbreviated PAC, is a rare benign lung pathology that is found at one or both of the apices. [1] Possibly due to ischemia. [2] Features: [2] Fibroelastotic scar with mature collagen and wavy/curled (accordion-like) elastic fibres. Alveolar enlargement at lesion periphery ("scar emphysema"). DDx: