r/PlexThemes - Reddit
I'm struggling with Themerr, when I add new movies, they don't receive their themes after the metadata refresh. I have Themerr-plex (v2023.1227.133216) installed via bundle, the latest Plex Media Server version. Yesterday I added some movies and it worked, but 3 hours ago I added some new entries and nothing happens.
Wait... Plex has themes now? : r/PleX - Reddit
For questions and comments about the Plex Media Server. The Plex Media Server is smart software that makes playing Movies, TV Shows and other media on your computer simple. This page is community-driven and not run by or affiliated with Plex, Inc.
Application themes: what is the timeline for desktop players
2024年1月13日 · Player Version#: Hello, I have been eagerly awaiting the implementation of application themes for the desktop player(s) since it was first announced for HTPCs and smart TVs in November 2021. I have since switched from Windows to Linux and, to my knowledge, this is still not a feature on any of the desktop players. Is this still being looked at? Is there a timeline ...
More Personalization on Homescreen - Plex Forum
2024年6月22日 · Here are a few specific ideas for homescreen personalization: Customizable Sections: Allow users to create and name their own sections on the homescreen. This way, users can organize their media in a way that best suits their viewing habits and preferences. Dynamic Widgets: Introduce widgets that can display information such as recently added media, upcoming releases, or personalized ...
RELEASE: Plex Black Edition - PHT Skins - Plex Forum
2014年11月28日 · Plex Black Edition Skin for OpenPHT / RasPlex New Homescreen New section viewtypes Custom Backgrounds Star rating overlay Six different colour themes Download: https://goo.gl/77C18i (V17.03.16) Previous Versions: …
Welcome to /r/PlexThemes! : r/PlexThemes - Reddit
2022年1月4日 · Go to your server settings > Plex Web > General (NOT Settings > General) and check "Play Theme Music" Scan your library files Refresh the metadata for the movie that you added the theme to. That should do it. I still don't have it working on the Roku yet, but it does work on the web app so that's something.
Adding Theme Songs to Movies as theme.mp3 - Plex Forum
2024年3月30日 · I love scrolling through plex and listening to the theme songs of tv shows/series but having this option for movies or private videos would be really great. I read that you have to make a folder, for example "Dredd (2012) and in this folder you have the movie, for example “Dredd (2012).mp4” and a “theme.mp3” file, named exactly like this.
Theme music for TV & Movie Collections - Plex Forum
2019年8月2日 · For Shows the /themes endpoint shows you information on the show’s provided theme song. You can use the same methods to upload a poster to upload a new theme song. (DO NOT DO THIS!)Though I’ve only tested and been able to upload mp3 files from a local filepath.
Plex Themes Automator : r/PlexThemes - Reddit
2022年9月6日 · I have created a python command line app for Plex Movie Themes that has a few functions: Checks each movie in your Plex movie library. If the theme already exists, it is skipped. If the theme is not found, it checks the movie title and year against the Google Drive share to automatically download any missing themes.
theme.park - A collection of themes/skins for 49 selfhosted apps.
2022年4月5日 · The default way to use the themes have up until now been using my github pages domain https://theme-park.dev to access all the css files, but I've just released a docker image where you can selfhost all the files, so I thought I'd share that here.