Pliny the Elder - Wikipedia
Gaius Plinius Secundus (AD 23/24–79), known in English as Pliny the Elder (/ ˈplɪni / PLIN-ee), [1] was a Roman author, naturalist, natural philosopher, and naval and army commander of the early Roman Empire, and a friend of the emperor Vespasian.
盖乌斯·普林尼·塞孔都斯 - 百度百科
盖乌斯·普林尼·塞孔都斯(Gaius Plinius Secundus,公元23(或24)—79),又称老普林尼, 古代罗马 的百科全书式的作家,以其所著《自然史》一书著称。 [1] 出生于 意大利 北部的新科莫姆城(今 科莫)的一个中等 奴隶主 家庭,属 骑士 阶层。 少年时代,他到 罗马 求学。 公元47—57年,他在日耳曼行省(今 德国 境内)任骑兵军官。 在这期间,他与后来的 罗马皇帝 提图斯 (公元79—81年在位)交谊甚笃。 普林尼在晚年的时候常常津津乐道地谈到他与提图斯的“ …
Pliny the Elder | Biography, Natural History, & Facts | Britannica
2025年3月20日 · Pliny the Elder (born 23 ce, Novum Comum, Transpadane Gaul [now in Italy]—died August 24, 79, Stabiae, near Mount Vesuvius) was a Roman savant and author of the celebrated Natural History, an encyclopaedic work of uneven accuracy that was an authority on scientific matters up to the Middle Ages.
Pliny the Elder, The Natural History - Perseus Digital Library
WE have now given an account of the animals which we call terrestrial, and which live as it were in a sort of society with man. Among the remaining ones, it is well known that the birds are the smallest; we shall therefore first describe those which …
2002年2月13日 · In his Natural History, published in A.D. 77, Pliny the Elder discusses at some length a "remarkably important plant" called silphium (Rackham 1950). Laser, which is the resin derived from this plant, Pliny describes as "among the most precious gifts presented to us by na-ture." Other names for silphium are the Greek silphion,
Pliny the Elder - World History Encyclopedia
2014年6月12日 · Pliny's attitude towards the imperial house soon changed when his friend Vespasian assumed the throne from Emperor Vitellius in 69 CE. Vespasian rewarded Pliny with the position of imperial procurator in Spain, Gaul, and Belgium, where he was responsible for the finances of each province.
The Illustrious Life of Pliny the Elder, Ancient Historian and Roman ...
2018年6月21日 · Born in Como, Italy into a powerful and elite equestrian family (akin to knights), Pliny the Elder lived from 23 or 24 AD until August 24, 79 AD, the exact date of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in Pompeii, in which Pliny met his final end. He had no children of his own and never married, more absorbed with his work, his writings, and travels.
PLINY THE ELDER, Natural History | Loeb Classical Library
The official rods and axes of Rome clear Purple robes of state. it a path, and it also marks the honourable estate of boyhood; it distinguishes the senate from the knight-hood, it is called in to secure the favour of the gods a; and it adds radiance to every garment, while in a triumphal robe it is blended with gold. Consequently even the mad ...
She has published articles on Pliny the Elder and his Natural History and on Latin literature, and has co-edited (with Liba Taub) Authorial Voices in Greco-Roman Technical Writing (2009). This publication is in copyright.
The Bookish Lifestyle Of Pliny The Elder - The Historian's Hut
2021年10月19日 · Pliny the Elder was a Roman military man, government official and scholar who lived in the 1st century. His academic calling drove Pliny to be an insatiable consumer of written works.