PLLP Gene - GeneCards | PLLP Protein | PLLP Antibody
2024年12月25日 · Complete information for PLLP gene (Protein Coding), Plasmolipin, including: function, proteins, disorders, pathways, orthologs, and expression. GeneCards - The Human …
Plasmolipin and Its Role in Cell Processes - PMC
A crucial task is to identify new molecular markers that are associated with rearrangements of intracellular signaling and can be used for prognosis and the development of effective …
Plasmolipin and Its Role in Cell Processes | Molecular Biology
2021年12月17日 · The proteolipid plasmolipin (PLLP) is a possible marker. PLLP is a main component of the myelin sheath and plays an important role in the development and normal …
51090 - Gene ResultPLLP plasmolipin [ (human)] - National Center …
2025年2月19日 · Structure of the Myelin Sheath Proteolipid Plasmolipin (PLLP) in a Ganglioside-Containing Lipid Raft. Integrative omics analysis identifies biomarkers of idiopathic pulmonary …
pllp官方手册介绍. 最后就是pllp,也是锁相环到systick的最后一个分频,此处决定了systick最终的频率,由上图官方手册可以看到pllp只有四个取值,分别是2、4、6、8,且此处vco限制为最 …
PLLP plasmolipin [Homo sapiens (human)] - Gene - NCBI
2025年1月4日 · These data support a model in which PLLP functions in myelin biogenesis through organization of myelin liquid-ordered membranes in the Golgi complex. Title: The …
Plasmolipin and Its Role in Cell Processes - PubMed
The proteolipid plasmolipin (PLLP) is a possible marker. PLLP is a main component of the myelin sheath and plays an important role in the development and normal function of the nervous …
Plasmolipin and Its Role in Cell Processes - ResearchGate
2021年11月1日 · The proteolipid plasmolipin (PLLP) is a possible marker. PLLP is a main component of the myelin sheath and plays an important role in the development and normal …
浆磷脂(PLLP)基因 | MCE
浆磷脂: 预计是髓鞘的结构成分。预测参与髓鞘形成。预测位于致密髓鞘和膜筏中。预计是膜的组成部分。精神分裂症的生物标志物。 [由基因组资源联盟提供,2022 年 4 月]
STM32时钟系统以及配置及源码分析 - CSDN博客
2018年11月7日 · 当pllp取值为4时,(((pllp>>1)-1)<<16)=1,同理,pllp取值为6时,(((pllp>>1)-1)<<16)=3. 其实就是在调用函数的时候方便设置。 可以看都这个寄存器的位,当第17:16为0 …