Plusoptix: Home
Since 2001, Plusoptix has been developing, manufacturing and marketing handheld, binocular photorefraction devices at the headquarters of the company in Nuremberg, Germany. Plusoptix devices are available in more than 60 countries worldwide, powered by a strong network of reliable distributors.
Plusoptix: Start
Seit 2001 entwickelt, fertigt und vertreibt Plusoptix handgehaltene, binokulare Photorefraktometer am Hauptsitz des Unternehmens in Nürnberg. Über Vertriebspartner sind die Geräte des Unternehmens in mehr als 60 Ländern weltweit verfügbar.
Plusoptix: Vision Screener
A vision screening with Plusoptix enables a pediatrician to detect prevalent vision disorders and media opacities within the pupils (Red reflex test or Bruckner test). Studies have shown that the earlier a vision disorder or media opacity is detected, …
Plusoptix: Vision Screener
Plusoptix Vision Screener messen berührungslos aus einem Meter Abstand, in weniger als einer Sekunde und zeigen am Ende jeder Messung ein "Auffällig" oder "Unauffällig" als Screeningergebnis an. Mehr Informationen
Plusoptix: Produkte
Plusoptix GmbH Nordostpark 21 90411 Nürnberg Deutschland Kontakt. Tel.: +49-911-598399-10 Fax.: +49-911-598399-90 Nachricht senden. Wichtige Links. Impressum; Datenschutz; Cookie Einstellungen. Notwendig. i. Google Tag Manager. i Unsere Homepage verwendet Cookies zur Verbesserung der Inhalte. ...
Plusoptix: Products
Plusoptix GmbH Nordostpark 21 90411 Nuremberg Germany. Contact. Tel.: +49-911-598399-10 Fax.: +49-911-598399-90. Send a message. Important links. Imprint; Data privacy; Cookie settings. Necessary. i. Google Tag Manager. i Our homepage uses cookies to improve the content. With the click on the button "Accept all" you agree to the use. Accept ...
The screen in the plusoptiX S12 models is fixed at a 45° angle to the camera axis. Tilt your wrists downwards to align the camera. - By touching the flashing “GO” button (1) or pressing the trigger, you will start the camera and a warble sound will be heard. You can now see the camera image on the screen. Note:
Plusoptix: Autorefraktometer
Binocular autorefractors by Plusoptix measure sphere, cylinder and axis of both eyes simultaneously, from one meter away in less than a second. They are designed to be used by eye care professionals. Get more information
The “plusoptiX S16” is made up of the device with a smiley, which is connected to the cradle with the device cable. During a measurement, the “plusoptiX S16” records a series of images. To ensure children look into the camera during the measurement, the “plusoptiX S16” …
Plusoptix device, such as its intended use, basic handling, technical information, maintenance, service, and warranty information, please refer to the user manual that was delivered with your device.
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