Zastava M84 - Wikipedia
The M84 is a licensed copy of the Soviet Union's PKM, with a few differences such as a differently shaped stock, and a slightly longer and heavier barrel which has slightly different measurements at the gas port and forward of the trunnion in diameter.
Zastava M84 – Wikipedija
Zastava M84 je strojnica opće namjene (univerzalni mitraljez) kojeg je proizvela/proizvodi kragujevačka tvornica Zastava Oružje iz Srbije. M84 temeljen je na sovjetskoj strojnici iz PK serije. M84 koristi streljivo kalibra 7.62 x 54 mm R. U potpunosti je automatsko vatreno oružje te koristi zračno hlađenje.
Zastava M84: Yugoslav version of the famous PKM machine gun
2022年12月25日 · The Zastava M84 is a popular general-purpose machine gun used extensively during the Yugoslav Wars. It is manufactured by the Zastava Arms factory in Kragujevac and features a gas-operated, air-cooled, belt-fed design that allows for fully automatic shoulder firing.
"The Sower of Death" - the History of Yugoslavian M84 Machinegun
2024年10月25日 · There will be tons of photos of the Yugoslavian main battle tank M84. M84 is essentially a Soviet T-72 tank that was license-produced in Yugoslavia. The project for the production of this tank was called “Kapela”. The modern version of the M84 tank. Source - Ministry of Defense of Serbia. Why the GPMG has the same name?
PM-84冲锋枪 - 百度百科
PM-84冲锋枪,是一款波兰拉多姆公司研发的武器,其目的在于取代相同大小但性能已显落后的PM-63冲锋枪。 且设计有两种口径:9×18mm马卡洛夫型PM-84为波兰使用,而9×19mm派拉贝鲁姆型的PM-84P则用于出口。 PM-84和PM-84P也有半自动的民用型。 该枪的第一个原型名为wz. 1981,经过一些严格测试,并进行了一些改变,例如固定的前握把改为折叠式,最后在1984年正式定型投产,正式名称为“9mm pm wz. 1984”(1984型9mm冲锋枪),按照波兰习惯给轻武器 …
Zastava M84: Photos, History, Specification - tvd.im
In 1984, a new, locally designed and produced Yugoslav General Purpose Machine Gun (GPMG) appeared in the form of the Zastava Arms M84. Undoubtedly influenced by the Soviet PK/PKM series system, the M84 played the same role and had a similar appearance, with purposeful designs for its receiver, belt feed and chamber for the ubiquitous 7.62x54R ...
Yugoslav M84 PKM: History, Mechanics, and Disassembly
2017年9月29日 · It uses the same belt design as the previous Soviet 7.62x54R machine guns (the Maxim, SG43, and RP46). The PK was improved in a few relatively minor ways to become the PKM, and the Yugoslav military put it into production in 1984.
Zastava M84 - Wikiwand
The Zastava M84 is a general-purpose machine gun manufactured by Zastava Arms. It is a gas-operated, air-cooled, belt-fed and fully automatic shoulder-fired weapon.
M-84主战坦克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
M-84,是 南斯拉夫 的第三代 主戰坦克,為蘇聯 T-72主战坦克 的改進型,裝備 南斯拉夫人民軍。 在M-84生產出來之前,蘇聯提供了50輛T-72M給南斯拉夫作訓練用。 在南斯拉夫解體後,M-84使用於 塞爾維亞 、 克羅埃西亞 、 斯洛文尼亞 [1] 、 波士尼亞與赫塞哥維納 、 科威特 、 乌克兰 [1]。 M-84主战坦克实际上是前南斯拉夫获准生产的俄罗斯 T-72 主战坦克,并装备了一系列自行制造的子系统,1977年,南斯拉夫決定生产M84主战坦克。 1979年底,从苏联获得了生产该坦 …
M-84AS1主战坦克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
塞尔维亚老旧的M-84的现代化势在必行,这给军事技术研究所和塞尔维亚国防工业提出了众多任务和挑战。 塞尔维亚从 南斯拉夫 继承了大约212辆M-84,其中大多数自接收以来从未经历过任何现代化。 尽管塞尔维亚于2004年提出了名为M-84AB1(后更名为 M-84AS)的M-84现代化计划,其中包含多种俄罗斯武器系统,但该计划从未大规模采用,并且只有10辆M-84升级至此标准,可能是由于当时塞尔维亚的金融和政治状况。 从那时起,世界各地的坦克设计都出现了许多根本性 …
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