PMH Pad-Mounted Gear - sandc.com
S&C Manual PMH Pad-Mounted Gear is available in ratings of 14.4 and 25 kV, with switches and fuses in circuit configurations to fit every requirement. Recognized throughout the industry for their exceptional features and long-term value, Manual PMH models include:
SIMTEC AG公司PMH-3是一个高精度的差压模块 (动压Qc),通过数字RS-485数据接口提供压力和空速数据。 PMH-3使用硅基压力传感器,在整个温度范围内具有基于微处理器的信号补偿。 PMH-3空速传感器模块主要特点 –小巧、坚固、简单 –具有高精度和低漂移的差压传感器 –RS-485半双工数据接口,适用于长电缆上的高噪声环境 –与SIMTEC AG大气数据系统产品线兼容 –从-55°C~+80°C温度范围内完全补偿(高于-40°C通电) –非常低的传输延迟 –通过维护软件轻松 …
PMH-3空速传感器|空速计_飞行_数据_压力 - 搜狐
2023年5月4日 · SIMTEC AG公司PMH-3空速传感器(空速计)是一个高精度的差压模块 (动压Qc),通过数字RS-485数据接口提供压力和空速数据。 PMH-3使用硅基压力传感器,在整个温度范围内具有基于微处理器的信号补偿。 PMH-3空速传感器|空速计提供商:黛尔特(北京)科技有限公司. 平台声明:该文观点仅代表作者本人,搜狐号系信息发布平台,搜狐仅提供信息存储空间服务。 瑞士史密泰克·伯格公司(Simtec Buergel AG)空速管-迎角传感器-侧滑角传感器-大气数 …
Maximum ratings for models PMH-3, PMH-10, and PMH-13 is 29 kV. The dimension shown applies to 25-kV PMH-3 and PMH-4 models; dimension is 341/2 inches (876 mm) for PMH-8 and PMH-13 models.
These PMH models, which are available in ratings of 14.4 kV and 25 kV, feature external handle-operated, 600-ampere Mini-Rupter Switches for three-pole switching of source circuits.
BOVILIS® NASALGEN® 3-PMH - Merck Animal Health USA
BOVILIS ® NASALGEN ® 3-PMH is the first and only intranasal BRD vaccine offering protection against IBR, BRSV, PI 3, Pasteurella multocida and Mannheimia haemolytica. It’s safe to use in calves 1 week of age and older for a strong, healthy foundation.
1. The PMH-4 is no longer available. A PMI-4R or a 3-phase PMI should be used in it’s place. The PMH-3 currently has no restrictions, although it is recommended that a 200A Pad-mounted Fault Interrupter (M342618) set permanently to switch mode be used in its place. Refer to Document 068188 for available
The PMH-3 is a highly accurate differential pressure module that provides pressure and airspeed data over a digital RS-485 data interface. The PMH-3 uses a silicon based pressure sensor with microprocessor based signal compensation over the full temperature range.
S&C PMH-3 Manuals & User Guides
s&c pmh-3 User Manuals, Guides and Specifications for your S&C PMH-3 Industrial Electrical. Database contains 1 S&C PMH-3 Manuals (available for free online viewing or downloading in PDF): Operation .
pMH3载体图谱质粒图谱、序列、价格、抗性、测序引物、大小等 …
pMH3质粒是blunt cloning kit,钝性克隆试剂盒表达。