PMSG-Intervet - MSD Animal Health HUB
PMSG is an injectable hormone used in cows, sows, ewes and bitches to stimulate development of the ovarian follicle. PMSG Intervet is presented as a white sterile freeze-dried powder plug containing 5000 iu Serum Gonadotrophin (PMSG) supplied together with solvent.
Plasma-based products are used for both human and animal health and provide therapeutic benefits for a range of conditions. MSD Animal Health markets PMSG, a product manufactured with blood plasma from horses. PMSG is used to improve fertility in cattle, pigs, and horses that cannot do so on their own.
Folligon® - MSD Animal Health India
Each ml contains Pregnant Mare Serum Gonadotrophin ( PMSG) as a freeze dried crystalline powder (1000 IU). It improves fertility in case of anoestrus. Induction and synchronization of ovulation in cow, heifers, sheep & goat. Superovulation (required for embryo transplantation) in cow. Increase of fertility rate.
Chronogest® PMSG 6000 IU - MSD Animal Health Middle East
Chronogest PMSG 6000 IU contains Pregnant Mare Serum Gonadotrophin (PMSG 6000 IU) in a freeze-dried form with FSH and LH-like properties. It stimulates the growth and maturation of the ovarian follicles and induces ovulation of the dominant follicle.
2023年全球孕马血清促性腺激素(PMSG)市场销售额达到了256.79百万美元 孕马血清促性腺激素,即PMSG…
2024年6月28日 · 孕马血清促性腺激素,即PMSG(Pregnant Mare Serum Gonadotropin),是英国科学家Cole和Hart在怀孕母马血清中发现的一种重要的激素,是由马属动物胎盘的尿囊绒毛膜细胞分泌的,具有促进卵泡发育、排卵和黄体形成功能的一种糖蛋白激素,并已知在妊娠马属动 …
PMSG Intervet® 5000IU, Powder and Solvent for Solution for …
PMSG Intervet® 5000IU, Powder and Solvent for Solution for Injection Species: Cattle, Dogs, Pigs, Sheep Therapeutic indication: Pharmaceuticals: Hormones and therapeutically related products: Pituitary hormones
行业洞察:2024年全球PMSG市场规模大约为276百万美元 - 知乎
Pharmacological particulars - PMSG Intervet® 5000IU, Powder …
PMSG is a potent gonadotrophin, with dual FSH and LH activity. It is composed of two non-covalently associated alpha and beta subunits, and is heavily glycosylated on its CTP tail. This extensive glycosylation is of key importance for obtaining the …
Folligon® PMSG - MSD Animal Health Middle East
Folligon PMSG contains either 1000 i.u or 5000 i.u. Serum Gonadotrophin PhEur (PMSG) supplied together with solvent. PMSG is capable of supplementing and being substituted for both luteinising hormone and follicle stimulating gonadotrophin of the anterior pituitary gland in both the male and female, stimulating development of the ovarian follicle.
MSD PMSG 5000IU Powder + Solvent for Sol. for Injection
PMSG is capable of supplementing and being substituted for both luteinising hormone and follicle stimulating gonadotrophin of the anterior pituitary gland in both the male and female, stimulating development of the ovarian follicle.