Biostimulation of sulfate-reducing bacteria used for treatment of ...
2021年11月1日 · The selected strain, Ochrobactrum sp. POC9, generated 984.7 mg/L of ammonia in 24 h and promotes an effective neutralization of B–NH 3. The inferred metabolic traits indicated that the Ochrobactrum sp. POC9 can synthesize a group of vitamins B, and the production of various organic metabolites was confirmed by GC-MS analysis.
Frontiers | Reduction of bioavailability and phytotoxicity effect of ...
2023年6月20日 · The soil supplementation with MCC produced by Ochrobactrum sp. POC9 as a result of the hydrolysis reaction contributed to the significant reduction of Cd bioavailability in soil and improved its microbiological properties by the increase in the quantity of soil microorganisms.
通过 Ochrobactrum sp. 尿素分解的次级代谢产物对用于处理湿法冶金废物的硫酸盐还原菌进行生物刺激。POC9…
The selected strain, sp. POC9, generated 984.7 mg/L of ammonia in 24 h and promotes an effective neutralization of B–NH. The inferred metabolic traits indicated that the sp. POC9 can synthesize a group of vitamins B, and the production of various organic metabolites was confirmed by GC-MS analysis.
Genome-Guided Characterization of Ochrobactrum sp. POC9 …
2018年7月16日 · A novel bacterial strain, Ochrobactrum sp. POC9, was isolated from a sewage sludge sample collected from a wastewater treatment plant. The strain exhibited lipolytic, proteolytic, cellulolytic, and amylolytic activities, which supports its application in biodegradation of complex organic compounds.
Identification and Characterization of the First Virulent Phages ...
2020年3月18日 · To our best knowledge, we are the first to identify two virulent phages of Ochrobactrum spp. For their identification, the previously characterized strain Ochrobactrum sp. POC9 (which efficiently enhances the utilization of sewage sludge, thereby increasing the effectiveness of biogas production) was used [11, 23].
本研究旨在调查土壤补充尿素分解细菌产生的含有碳酸盐(MCC)的代谢物的影响苍白杆菌属sp。 POC9 对土壤中镉的迁移率以及作物对镉的吸收效率和一般状况的影响(岩芹)。
Reduction of bioavailability and phytotoxicity effect of cadmium in ...
2023年6月21日 · This study aimed to investigate the influence of soil supplementation with metabolites containing carbonates (MCC) produced by the ureolytic bacterium Ochrobactrum sp. POC9 on the Cd mobility in the soil as well as on the Cd uptake efficiency and general condition of crop plants ( Petroselinum crispum).
Genome-Guided Characterization of Ochrobactrum sp. POC9 …
2018年7月16日 · A novel bacterial strain, Ochrobactrum sp. POC9, was isolated from a sewage sludge sample collected from a wastewater treatment plant. The strain exhibited lipolytic, proteolytic, cellulolytic,...
Ochrobactrum sp. POC9 - National Center for Biotechnology Information
Determination of the DNA genome sequence of this strain has been or is being determined either in whole or in part. Groups interested in participating in the LinkOut program should visit the …
General features of the Ochrobactrum sp. POC9 draft genome.
Genomic and physiological characteristics of the Ochrobactrum sp. POC9 in the context of sewage sludge utilization (Poszytek et al., 2018) and enhancing biogas production (Poszytek et al., 2019...