Vehicle specifications and photographs - Fire and Rescue NSW
The Hytrans High Volume Mobile Water Supply System Pod can be used to supply large volumes of water (potentially around 8000 litres/minute) for firefighting at large-scale fires, across distances of up to 1.5 kilometres. It can operate from both a static and reticulated supply, and pumps water vertically up to a height of 60m.
This document covers the type and model of passenger type vehicles allocated to FRNSW positions and pools to carry out the work of FRNSW including emergency response. The specific type and model of vehicle to be determined is based on the position function, whole-of-life costing, environmental impact and NSW Government Fleet Policy.
Fire - Tripod
In our region, the NSWFB can mainly be heard on the Government Radio Network. Information on the local GRN can be found elsewhere on our site. However, from time to time you can hear fire brigade activity on the conventional frequencies listed below.
aus.leaker12's Content - LauncherLeaks
FRNSW SEV Generation 1 Class 3 Pumper. By aus.leaker12 in Vehicles. Cap Dev 154 downloads (0 reviews) 1 comment ... Queensland Police Serivce POD. By aus.leaker12 in Vehicles. Trying to find some more things for qld, Tmr ill start to get more NSW things pumping out 135 downloads (0 reviews)
SEV Heavy Hazmat | Emergency Vehicles App
Photo Credit: FRNSW Website. General. Country. Australia State. New South Wales Service. Fire and Rescue NSW CAD Code. SEV Fleet Number. 932 Station. Service Exchange Vehicle . Vehicle Type. Heavy HazMat . Registration. XN71YF Cab Chassis. Isuzu FVD950 Production Year. 2007 Detailed ...
New GPS Technology to Deliver even Faster Firefighter Responses
2016年9月27日 · The new technology has been installed in 70 per cent of FRNSW’s response vehicles in the Greater Sydney Area. The remainder of FRNSW’s metropolitan and regional fleet will be equipped over the next 12 months. FRNSW Commissioner Greg Mullins said each fire engine and its crew were a mobile resource.
Fire and Rescue New South Wales - Wikipedia
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) previously known as NSW Fire Brigades (NSWFB), is a agency of the New South Wales Government, Australia. FRNSW is responsible for firefighting, rescue and HAZMAT services in the major cities, metropolitan areas …
Fire and Rescue NSW sniffs out new drone technology
2025年2月26日 · In a first for a NSW Government emergency services agency, Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) has launched the latest tool in its technological arsenal – a drone that can ‘smell’. The smelling capability of the new drone means FRNSW Aviation Unit and Hazardous Material team crews can now use drones to detect potential threats in the air, with ...
New FRNSW Fleet Takes Community Safety to New Heights
Crews were called to a production process facility in Bomaderry overnight, where two silos had collapsed, spilling grain into the Shoalhaven River. An exclusion zone was quickly established, and 65 workers were safely evacuated. Currently, 20 firefighters, including FRNSW Hazmat specialists and drone pilots, remain at the scene.
Fire and Rescue NSW Vehicle Access : Fire and Rescue NSW
2019年10月4日 · Addeddate 2021-01-29 03:01:40 Identifier frnsw_vehicle_access Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t3038x522 Ocr tesseract 4.1.1