PODD - Smartbox
PODD 15 is for pre-school and school-aged children who are just beginning communication, using 1-2 keyword sentences. There are 15 cells, with phrases for the reason you want to …
PODD page set for Snap Core First - Tobii Dynavox US
PODD, short for Pragmatic Organization Dynamic Display, was created by Gayle Porter to offer people who can't speak a way to select and organize symbols to communicate. The Snap …
PODD 15 uses a layout and vocabulary organisation similar to the one page opening, expanded functions PODD communication books. The PODD 15 page sets are primarily designed for …
TD Snap PODD Page Set - Tobii Dynavox Global
PODD, short for Pragmatic Organization Dynamic Display, was created by Gayle Porter to offer people who can't speak a way to select and organise symbols to communicate. This page set …
PODD 15 User Manual : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : …
Addeddate 2021-03-28 18:56:08 Identifier manualzilla-id-5996905 Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t4dp4x786 Ocr tesseract 5.0.0-alpha-20201231-10-g1236 Ocr_autonomous true …
PODD 15+ School - Online Grids
The PODD 15+ versions include the range of vocabulary included in the 20 expanded functions PODD communication book. This grid set also has extra predictably associated vocabulary for …
Zyteq - Electronic Assistive Technology Australia
PODD15 was the first commercially available grid set for AAC software based on the Pragmatic Organisation Dynamic Display communication book system, by Gayle Porter. In collaboration …
PODD 15+ Preschool - Online Grids
Designed for children starting to combine words into longer sentences, or those needing symbols to support their understanding of language. PODD 15+ allows children and their …
PODD 15+ School - Online Grids
PODD 15+ allows children and their communication partners to create more grammatically complete sentences. This grid set includes school-specific vocabulary grids for school subjects …
Tips on selecting a page set - AssistiveWare
2024年10月21日 · There are two options for both the Preschool and School page set: 15 and 15+. If your son or daughter is a true beginner, then I recommend PODD 15. The PODD 15 uses …