beverly, huh. | The Poetry Foundation
bet his hands are soft as a frog’s belly. bet your house is on a hill. bet the grass is freshly cut. bet you feel like a princess. bet the police protect your house. bet you know their first names. bet your house has a hundred rooms. bet a black lady comes to clean them.
Huh Poems | Examples of Poems about Huh - PoetrySoup.com
Huh Poems - Popular examples of all types of huh poetry to share and read. View a list of new poems for HUH by modern poets.
February 2014: "a joke that ends with—huh?" - Poetry Foundation
February 2014: "a joke that ends with—huh?" Poems from Nance Van Winckel, Ocean Vuong, and a soundscape from Matthea Harvey. Poems, readings, poetry news and the entire 110 …
huh? by kyelek - Poetry.com
Read, review and discuss the huh? poem by kyelek on Poetry.com
Poems containing the term: Huh - Poetry.com
Looking for the poetry matching Huh !? Find all about Huh ! on Poetry.com! The Web's largest and most comprehensive poetry resource.
huh? Poem Analysis - Poetry.com
An analysis of the huh? poem by kyelek including schema, poetic form, metre, stanzas and plenty more comprehensive statistics.
Best Huh Poems - PoetrySoup.com
Below are the all-time best Huh poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of huh poems written by PoetrySoup members
Short Huh Poems - Examples - PoetrySoup.com
Short Huh Poems. Below are examples of the most popular short poems about Huh by PoetrySoup poets. Search short poems about Huh by length and keyword. You
Huh? - a poem by Quiet Wolf - All Poetry
Sunlit night / No shadows from the light / Stood a dead man / Silent shriek from fright / Mouth agape / As a bony hand held a coke can / Looking to me / Ivory j. Published at the web's …
Poem : Huh?
Huh? by Alison Ellis May 13, 2004 category : Fun, humor / for kids What goes around gets pretty dizzy, When shaking pop, it gets pretty fizzy. Passes outs, Lots of shouts. Loves of life, Death and knife. Hugs and more hugs, No one likes eating slugs. Lots of fun, Under the sun. We got Tans and fans. Beach ball toys, And very cute boys.