Pohorje is one of the best-preserved natural regions in Slovenia. It is a pre-Alpine Mountain, located in north-eastern. Slovenia, and is mostly overgrown with coniferous forests. It stretches between the river Drava in the north and the Drava plain in the south, in the west it reaches Dravograd and Slovenj Gradec,
Detailed Road Map of Pohorje - Maphill
This page shows the location of 2282 Pohorje, Slovenia on a detailed road map. Choose from several map styles. From street and road map to high-resolution satellite imagery of Pohorje.
Visit Pohorje - Ski resort
With a wide range of easy, intermediate, and advanced slopes, Pohorje is suitable for all skiers and has especially earned a reputation as a popular family-friendly ski resort. In favorable snow conditions, Mariborsko Pohorje and Areh are connected by ski slopes, and a ski bus service is also available between them.
Pohorje Map - Mountain - Municipality of Ruše, Slovenia
Pohorje, also known as the Pohorje Massif or the Pohorje Mountains, is a mostly wooded, medium-high mountain range south of the Drava River in northeastern Slovenia.
Mariborsko Pohorje Piste Map / Trail Map - Snow Forecast
Mariborsko Pohorje Piste map ski, resort runs and slopes in the ski resort of Mariborsko Pohorje. Browse our high resolution map of the pistes in Mariborsko Pohorje to plan your ski holiday and also purchase Mariborsko Pohorje pistemaps to download to your Garmin GPS
MICHELIN Pohorje map - ViaMichelin
The MICHELIN Pohorje map: Pohorje town maps, road map and tourist map, with MICHELIN hotels, tourist sites and restaurants for Pohorje
Pohorje topographic map, elevation, terrain
Average elevation: 437 m • Pohorje, Majšperk, 2289, Slovenia • Visualization and sharing of free topographic maps.
Trail map Mariborsko Pohorje – Maribor - Skiresort.info
Trail map Mariborsko Pohorje - Maribor Season 2024/2025 Towns/villages at the ski resort (distance from town center): Maribor (6 km), Ruše (9 km) Towns/villages at the ski resort more …
Pohorje map satellite // Slovenia, Cirkulane region - Earth map …
🌍 Satellite Pohorje map (Cirkulane region, Slovenia): share any place, ruler for distance measuring, find your location, routes building, address search. All streets and buildings location of Pohorje on the live satellite photo map.
najbolje ohranjenih naravnih območij v Sloveniji. Je predalpsko hribovje, ki leži v severov. hodni Sloveniji in je večinoma poraslo z iglavci. Razteza se med reko Dravo na severu in Dravskim poljem na jugu, na zahodu doseže Dravograd in Slovenj Gradec, n.