Natu Pokédex: stats, moves, evolution & locations - Pokémon …
Pokédex entry for #177 Natu containing stats, moves learned, evolution chain, location and more!
Natu | Pokédex | More at Pokemon.com
It is extremely good at climbing tree trunks and likes to eat the new sprouts on the trees. If the Pokémon is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned by another Pokémon, that Pokémon will be inflicted with the same status condition. The Pokémon awakens …
Natu - #177 - Serebii.net Pokédex
Enables a Dark-type target to be hit by Psychic-type attacks. It also enables an evasive target to be hit. ?? The user tries to cut ahead of the target to steal and use the target's intended move with greater power. The target is exposed to a sinister ray that triggers confusion.
177 - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia
177 may refer to: Pokédex number #177 Natu, in the National Pokédex #177 Dewgong, in the New Pokédex #177 Huntail, in the Hoenn Pokédex in Generation III #177 Houndoom, in the Sinnoh Pokédex #177 Lanturn, in the Johto Pokédex #177 Tynamo, in the New Unova Pokédex #177 Rhydon, in the Hoenn Pokédex in Generation VI
#177 Natu - Serebii.net
It runs up short trees that grow on the savanna to peck at new shoots. A NATU's eyes look as if they are always observing something. It usually forages for food on the ground but may, on rare occasions, hop onto branches to peck at shoots. Because its wings aren't yet fully grown, it has to hop to get around. It is always staring at something.
Natu (Pokémon) - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon …
2024年12月26日 · Natu (Japanese: ネイティ Naty) is a dual-type Psychic / Flying Pokémon introduced in Generation II. It evolves into Xatu starting at level 25. Natu is a tiny, mostly green avian Pokémon with a nearly spherical body colored in accents of red, yellow, and black. It possesses brightly colored, yellow-and-red wings with thick black stripes.
Pokemon 177 • Natu • Pokedex • PrimetimePokemon.com
Pokemon 177 - Natu: It is extremely good at climbing tree trunks and likes to eat the new sprouts on the trees. Because its wings aren’t yet fully grown, it has to hop to get around. It is always staring at something.
No.177 天然雀 - 宝可梦 - 宝可梦图鉴 - 精灵宝可梦剑·盾
└────── No.178 天然鸟 25级时进化而成。 虽然还无法飞行,但跳跃力超群。 能跳上很高的树枝啄食树芽。 它的目光仿佛一直在观察着这里。 只要稍有靠近,它就会一蹦一蹦地跳着逃开。 能够灵巧地跳上树干。 喜欢在枝头上啄食新长出来的嫩芽。 由于羽翼未丰,所以会跳着移动。 一直 …
Natu – #177 - Tiny Bird Pokémon - veekun
Psychic and Flying moves get STAB, and have their type highlighted in green. Special moves better suit Natu's higher Special Attack, and have their class highlighted in green. Level up: Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level. Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect. Lowers the target's Defense by one stage.
Natu - Pokémon #177 - Pokestats.gg
Copies burns, paralysis, and poison received onto the Pokémon that inflicted them. Makes sleep pass twice as quickly. Reflects most non-damaging moves back at their user. Some encounter information is missing from the API, especially for newer titles such as Sword and Shield.
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