#910 Crocalor - Serebii.net
Abilities: Blaze - Unaware (Hidden Ability): Blaze: When HP is below 1/3rd its maximum, power of Fire-type moves is increased by 50%. Hidden Ability: Unaware: Foe’s stat modifications are ignored.: Experience Growth: Base Happiness: Effort Values Earned: Can Change Tera Type? 1,059,862 Points Medium Slow: 50: 2 Sp. Attack Point(s)
Crocalor - #0910 - Pokémon GO - Serebii.net
Crocalor Pokémon GO page with details on moves, stats, abilities, evolution data and locations.
Serebii.net TCG Cardex - #0910 Crocalor
Detailed information on Crocalor TCG card including moves, stats, abilities, and evolution data.
Episode 910 - An Explosive Operation - Serebii.net
Summary. Travelling through the Kalos region, Team Rocket quickly encounter Z2, another Zygarde Core. Deciding to catch it for Giovanni, they start their plot until Team Flare arrive, wanting Z2 to themselves.
Charmeleon - Paldean Fates - Serebii.net Pokémon Card Database
Charmeleon in the Paldean Fates Pokémon Trading Card Game Set. Detailing all effects of the card
Smoliv - #0928 - Pokémon GO - Serebii.net
Smoliv is a Pokémon that converts nutrients into oil, storing it in the fruit on its head. It can go a week without eating or drinking.
Cetoddle - #974 - Serebii.net Pokédex
Abilities: Thick Fat - Snow Cloak - Sheer Force (Hidden Ability): Thick Fat: Fire and Ice-type moves deal 50% damage. Snow Cloak: Raises the Pokémon’s evasion during a Snowstorm by one level. Hidden Ability: Sheer Force: Moves with a secondary effect are increased in power by 30% but lose their secondary effect : Experience Growth: Base Happiness: Effort Values Earned
Dudunsparce - #982 - Serebii.net Pokédex
Abilities: Serene Grace - Run Away - Rattled (Hidden Ability): Serene Grace: The chances of a move having a secondary effect is doubled. Run Away: Except for trainer battles, can always run from battle.It still cannot switch during Mean Look or Block. Hidden Ability: Rattled: Speed is raised by one stage when the Pokémon is hit by a Bug-type, Ghost-type or Dark-type move or …
Smoliv - #928 - Serebii.net Pokédex
Abilities: Early Bird - Harvest (Hidden Ability): Early Bird: Sleep conditions lasts for half as long, rounding down.For example, half of three turns is 1.5, which rounds down to one turn. When the number of turns to sleep is one, half of this rounded down …
Pawmi - #921 - Serebii.net Pokédex
Abilities: Static - Natural Cure - Iron Fist (Hidden Ability): Static: The opponent has a 30% chance of being induced with PARALYZE when using an attack, that requires physical contact, against this Pokémon. Natural Cure: The Pokémon’s status (BURN, PARALYZE, SLEEP, POISON, FREEZE) is healed when withdrawn from battle. Hidden Ability: Iron Fist: The power of …