• Heart rate view: Set the FT4 to display your heart rate as Beats per minute or as Percent of maximum. BPM : The measurement of the work your heart does, expressed as the number of beats per minute.
Polar FT4 Heart Rate Monitor - amazon.com
2003年8月6日 · Train to your own beat with Polar FT4 heart rate monitor and make sure your every move is counted for. Heart rate in beats per minute or % of maximum Manual or age-based heart rate target zone with indicator during training
2. GET STARTED | Polar FT4 User Manual | English - Polar Global
The latest version of this user manual can be downloaded at www.polar.fi/support. For video tutorials, go to http://www.polar.fi/en/support/video_tutorials. Register your Polar product at http://register.polar.fi/ to ensure we can keep improving our products and services to …
像扣bra一样扣好你的 Polar 博能 FT4 心率表 - 什么值得买
2014年4月15日 · Polar 博能 FT4 心率表 ... [商品:Polar FT4 Heart Rate Monitor Watch (Silver / Black)] 外面的盒子忘了拍了,凑合看张合体照吧。 这个是手表的真身和表带,整个盒子十分轻,有的转运会有首重,我用软妹币的教训告诉大家这个实际运输重量只有1磅不到,所以买了以后最好顺带给妹纸捎点别的才能凑足首付。 手表塑料感很强,但是设计得很好不会粘手腕,而且有自然弯度很有人体工程学的概念。 不激活的时候液晶屏是不会有显示的,按了钮激活以后屏幕 …
别玩坏了自己:POLAR 博能 FT4 心率表(含心率带)
2014年8月16日 · 在某年某月,**心血来潮的走上了一个体重秤,然后就悲剧了 ,简单的说,BMI-29.4(体重kg除以(身高m的平方))。 甩体重也就是开源节流,节流没问题,截流就算了 。 回想一下初中体育课的惨痛经历,冲刺折返到险些骤停。 所以为了不把自己玩坏,就准备买个心率表了。 也就是这货 [商品:POLAR博能心率表健身跑步系列卡路里消耗男女运动手表防水夜光FT4] 当然这是随手在猫上搜的。 然后就是各种欢快的做运动,直到有一天,在摘了表带之后为了 …
Polar FT4 Heart Rate Monitor Review - My Health Devices
2018年10月22日 · Polar FT4 is a full-fledge heart rate monitor with numerous features. You can wear it like a modern watch, but it performs all the functions of heart rate monitor. It has comfortable and durable strap, which provides the accurate heart rate data. It comes in various color and suitable for both men and women. Accuracy:
Polar FT4 User Manual
Get to Know Your Polar FT4 Training Computer. FT4 Buttons and Menu . Start With Basic Settings. 3. Training. Wear the Transmitter. Start Training. During Training. Pause/Stop Training. 4. After Training. Training Summary. Review Training Data. Training Files. Totals. Transfer Data. 5. Settings. Watch Settings. Training Settings. User Information.
The Polar FT4 Heart Rate Monitor Review: Insist On Accuracy
2019年10月17日 · Is Polar FT4 one of the best Heart Rate Monitors? What are the Pros and Cons? Let's compare and check out the latest price.
Customer Reviews: Polar FT4 Men's Heart Rate Monitor …
Prior to purchasing my Polar FT4 I would workout regularly and relied on the machines to tell me my calories burned. Now I can keep track of my heart rate, calories burned and time in zone right at my fingertips. If I'm running around the block or doing a marathon I can know how many calories I'm burning. The device is very comfortable to wear ...
View and Download Polar Electro FT4 user manual online. FT4 heart rate monitor pdf manual download.