Polesia - Wikipedia
Polesia is a marshy region lining the Pripyat River (Pripyat Marshes) in Southern Belarus (Brest, Pinsk, Kalinkavichy, Gomel), Northern Ukraine (in the Volyn, Rivne, Zhytomyr, Kyiv and …
Polesia - Save Polesia
Polesia – unique, wild, and untouched. Polesia is Europe’s Amazon. This stunning region, which straddles the borders of Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia, is the continent’s greatest …
波利西亚 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2024年10月25日 · 波利西亚,又译为波列西耶(乌克兰语: Полісся 、白俄罗斯语: Палессе 、波兰语: Polesie ,意为“沼泽森林”),是位于东欧平原的西部、北乌克兰和南白俄罗斯之间 …
Polesia - Wilderness without borders | Wild Polesia
2024年10月14日 · Polesia, located across the borders of Belarus, Ukraine, Russia and Poland, is one of Europe’s largest wilderness areas and most important wetlands. Funded by the …
Polesia - Frankfurt Zoological Society
Polesia is Europe’s largest remaining inland wetland wilderness. Some of the continent’s last ‘wild’ rivers meander across the landscape, through a vast patchwork of extensive carbon-storing …
Polesia - 华文百科
Polesia是位于白俄罗斯南部( Brest , Pinsk , Pinsk , Kalinkavichy , Gomel , Gomel )的 Pripyat河( Pripyat Marshes )的沼泽地区和俄罗斯(布莱恩斯克)。 它是 西部虫子 和 普里 …
Save Polesia
2023年5月11日 · An environmental catastrophe looms over Polesia, Europe’s largest wetland wilderness. Governments want to create a 2,000 km long navigable waterway connecting the …
Polesia | Historica Wiki | Fandom
Polesia is a historical region in Eastern Europe comprising part of eastern Poland and the Belarus-Ukraine border region. Its name means "forested," and this marshy flatland was …
波利尼西亚 - 百度百科
波利尼西亚,太平洋三大岛群之一,处于大洋洲,意为“多岛群岛”。位于太平洋中部,180°经线以东,南纬30°至北纬30°之间。其分布遍于中东部太平洋海面上一个巨大的三角形地带,三角形 …
Polesia - Wikiwand
Polesia, also called Polissia, Polesie, or Polesye, is a natural (geographic) and historical region in Eastern Europe within the East European Plain, including ...