Pullman Company - Wikipedia
Pullman developed the sleeping car, which carried his name into the 1980s. Pullman did not just manufacture the cars, it also operated them on most of the railroads in the United States, paying railroad companies to couple the cars to trains. In return, by the mid-20th century, these railroads would own Pullman outright.
Pullman automobile - Wikipedia
The Pullman was an American automobile that was manufactured in York, Pennsylvania by the York Motor Car Company from 1905 to 1909 and the Pullman Motor Car Company from 1909 to 1917. The Pullman automobile was named by industrialist Albert P. Broomell to reflect the quality and luxury of rail cars and coaches made by the Pullman Company , but ...
Pullman (car or coach) - Wikipedia
Pullman is the term for railroad dining cars, lounge cars, and especially sleeping cars that were built and operated by the Pullman Company (founded by George Pullman) from 1867 to December 31, 1968.
Historic Pullman Collection - Museum of the American Railroad
2020年7月15日 · Interpretation of these cars includes the remarkable story of George Pullman’s first palace cars and his Chicago factory & company town of 1884. Exhibits also celebrate the incomparable travel experience by millions of Americans aboard sleeping cars, as well as the legacy of Pullman Porters and their contribution to the advancement of civil ...
最終結果はなんと11億円超え! 70年前の特別な「コルベット」 …
2025年3月5日 · このコルベットssは1957年のセブリング12時間に参戦しましたが、サスペンショントラブルでリタイアしました。 その後、GMの方針でコルベットSSはレースに出ることはなく、GMが所有したままイベントなどで展示されていました。
奔驰S600普尔曼(Pullman)车的后座空间,舒适,再加上安静,三者和谐地结合在一起,作为最昂贵的车之一,它在 德国 市场的售价即为46.7万马克,普尔曼是奔驰自己出品的S级加长车。 首辆打有普尔曼标志的奔驰车在1963年出现,车身总长达到了6.24米。 比起已经不算小的奔驰S600还长出70厘米,只有像流行歌星、权贵和教皇这样的巨富才有实力拥有。 普尔曼提供两种引擎S500的功率为225Kw的8缸引擎、和S600的功率为270kw的12缸引擎。 车的顶线抬高了2厘 …
Santa Fe Railway Historical & Modeling Society :: Home
This material will give some information about what types of heavyweight Pullman cars were built for Santa Fe service, assigned by the Pullman Company, and later owned by the Santa Fe.
德国POLMAN全系列代理 - 欧拓华科技(东莞)有限公司
Polman 执行器 以其创新性、准确性和耐用性而闻名于世,尤其是在 国际石油和天然气行业。 自 2004 年以来,我们一直活跃在 机器人和工业过程自动化行业。
Steam Workshop::Polman - Steam Community
2024年3月28日 · This is a collection of all my Polman vehicles from Lurra. The Corra Armored Car is a modification of the Corra Pickup, with armor all around and a turreted minigun.... This is the standard transport truck of Polman.
Standard Steel Car Company - WikiTree
The Standard Steel Car Company was founded in 1902 and became one of the largest builders of steel cars in the United States. It was purchased by Pullman, Inc ., in 1929 and the merged company became the Pullman-Standard Car Manufacturing Company in 1934. Butler Pennsylvania Plant