POLS 3393 Internship
Prerequisite [POLS 2301 or POLS 2305]and [POLS 2302 or POLS 2306].
POLS 3393 - Model United Nations - Modern Campus Catalog™
2024年12月14日 · Description This course teaches international politics and diplomacy through simulations of the United Nations. Students will learn about the workings of the UN, what topics it covers, and how states behave within the UN. Repeatability: No Additional Fee: No Back to Top Print-Friendly Page (opens a new window) Facebook this Page (opens a new window) Tweet this Page (opens a new window) Add to ...
SHSU - POLS3393 - Social Policy International Disaster Management - Quizlet
Search and rescue involves three interrelated functions, including the locating of victims, the extraction of victims, and which of the following?
POLS 3393W Writing on African Women and Feminism
Writing-intensive course. This course is the same as Women?s and Gender Studies 3349W and Africana Studies 3364. Prerequisites: English *1012 [2] Core Studies 3 or Core Curriculum 1230, POLS 1230 or any Political Science course in the 1000-level range or Women?s and Gender Studies 1001 or Africana Studies 1001.
Political Science (POLS) < Sam Houston State University
POLS 3337. The Congress and Legislatures. 3 Hours. Students examine the powers, organization, procedures, and operations of legislative bodies in the United States. Topics may include selection of legislators, legislative leadership, influence of lobbyists, political parties, legislative committees, executives, and legislative roles and norms.
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley - POLS3393
POLS 3393 Internship Students enroll in this course to receive credit hours of internship credit counting towards their degree. May be repeated for additional credit as topic varies. A total of 6 credits can be earned.
POLS 4073. Constitutional Law: Governmental Structure. The development of the American Constitution through judicial interpretation by the Supreme Court, including cases involving commerce, taxation, divisions of powers, and separation of powers. Prerequisite: Three hours of political science. Three lecture hours a week. Credit: Three hours ...
Search Results < Sam Houston State University
POLS 3393. Social Policy. 3 Hours. Students examine of the roles, actions, and problems of modern governments in dealing with social issues such as education, health, housing, transportation, and welfare services. Prerequisite: 6 hours of POLS.
POLS 3393 - Internship at the University of Texas Rio ... - Coursicle
POLS 3393 at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV) in Edinburg, Texas. Students enroll in this course to receive credit hours of internship credit counting towards their degree.
Courses in Political Science | UTRGV
POLS 2305 U.S. Federal Government & Politics. Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer. Description: This course examines the origins and development of the U.S. federal system of government and politics, which includes the U.S. Constitution, policymaking processes, political action, power relations, and various political issues.