Polypropylene - Wikipedia
Polypropylene (PP), also known as polypropene, is a thermoplastic polymer used in a wide variety of applications. It is produced via chain-growth polymerization from the monomer propylene. Polypropylene belongs to the group of polyolefins and is partially crystalline and non-polar.
聚丙烯 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
聚丙烯 (英語: Polypropylene,簡稱 PP)是一种半 结晶 的 热塑性塑膠。 具有较高的耐冲击性,机械性质强韧,抗多种 有机溶剂 和 酸 碱 腐蚀。 在工业界有广泛的應用,包括包裝材料和標籤,紡織品(例如:繩、保暖內衣和地毯)、文具、塑膠部件和各種類型的可重複使用的容器、實驗室中使用的熱塑性聚合物設備、揚聲器、汽車部件和聚合物紙幣,是常见的 高分子材料 之一。 在2013年,聚丙烯全球市場約五千五百万吨。 英国 、 澳大利亚 和 加拿大 的 塑膠钱币 也使用 …
聚丙烯 - 百度百科
聚丙烯(Polypropylene,简称PP)是由丙烯单体通过加聚反应制成的半结晶的热塑性聚合物。 通常呈白色蜡状固体 [1],无毒、无味,外观透明且质地轻盈 [2]。 其化学式为 (C3H6)n(图1),密度为0.89~0.92 g/cm3 [1],是密度最小的热塑性树脂;熔点为164~176 ℃ [3],在155℃左右软化,使用温度范围为-30~140 ℃ [4]。 聚丙烯具有轻巧、耐磨损、抗菌性和易染色等特性,被广泛用于服装、毛毯等纤维制品 [1];具有良好的绝缘性能,被用于制造如冰箱、洗衣机、空调、电 …
聚丙烯 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
聚丙烯 (英語: Polypropylene,簡稱 PP)是一種半 結晶 的 熱塑性塑膠。 具有較高的耐衝擊性,機械性質強韌,抗多種 有機溶劑 和 酸 鹼 腐蝕。 在工業界有廣泛的應用,包括包裝材料和標籤,紡織品(例如:繩、保暖內衣和地毯)、文具、塑膠部件和各種類型的可重複使用的容器、實驗室中使用的熱塑性聚合物設備、揚聲器、汽車部件和聚合物紙幣,是常見的 高分子材料 之一。 在2013年,聚丙烯全球市場約五千五百萬噸。 英國 、 澳大利亞 和 加拿大 的 塑膠錢幣 也使用 …
Polypropylene (PP) - Types, Properties, Uses & Structure - Omnexus
Polypropylene (PP) is a type of polyolefin that is slightly harder than polyethylene. It is a commodity plastic with low density and high heat resistance. It finds application in packaging, automotive, consumer goods, medical, cast films, etc. Its …
Polypropylene (PP) Plastic: Types, Uses and Processing
2024年7月31日 · Polypropylene is a thermoplastic polymer, belonging to the polyolefin family of polymers. It is produced through the polymerization of propylene monomers and is characterized by its light weight, high strength, chemical resistance, and good heat resistance. Polypropylene (PP) appears as white granules, odorless and non-toxic.
Polypropylene | Properties, Definition, & Uses | Britannica
polypropylene, a synthetic resin built up by the polymerization of propylene. One of the important family of polyolefin resins, polypropylene is molded or extruded into many plastic products in which toughness, flexibility, light weight, and heat resistance are required.
Polypropylene - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Polypropylene (PP) is a common thermoplastic polymer with excellent properties, including high gas and water permeability resistance, mechanical properties, flame resistance, high heat distortion temperature and others. Polypropylene is widely used in polymer materials in the plastic manufacturing industry to produce various end products ...
Research and application of polypropylene: a review
2024年1月2日 · Polypropylene (PP) is a versatile polymer with numerous applications that has undergone substantial changes in recent years, focusing on the demand for next-generation polymers. This article provides a comprehensive review of recent research in PP and its advanced functional applications.
Polypropylene Types: Chemistry, Properties, and Applications
2023年8月31日 · One such popular thermoplastic is polypropylene (PP). There are four main types of polypropylene: Homopolymer; Random copolymer; Block copolymer; Impact copolymer; Additionally, PP can also be found in several variants like flame-retardant polypropylene, high-temperature polypropylene, and weather-resistant polypropylene.