Home - Polygraph School
The American International Institute of Polygraph (AIIP) was founded with the objective to provide leading-edge polygraph training to qualified, highly motivated, persons in law enforcement and other organizations.
NPA is an accredited, quality polygraph training provider to law enforcement, government and private sector personnel throughout the U.S. and abroad. Basic schools, advanced programs and PCSOT courses are offered regularly.
NCTC Polygraph Program
Use the latest major polygraph techniques being taught and used in the profession, particularly in the areas of drug/narcotics investigation, asset forfeiture testing, and testing to identify potential terrorists and prevent terrorist activities; Use state-of-the-art …
The Polygraph Institute Home
Our school offers world class credibility assessment training, featuring both basic and advanced polygraph and forensic interview courses. Serving government agencies, law enforcement, and private security sectors, we have been accredited by the American Polygraph Association, and recognized by the American Association of Police Polygraphists ...
Marston Polygraph Academy - Polygraph School, Lie Detector, Polygraph
We offer high-quality polygraph training accredited by the American Polygraph Association, state-of-the-art labs and experienced practitioner instructors. Training Polygraphers for Tomorrow's Demands and Challenges
APA Accredited Polygraph Training Programs
APA membership and accredited training program attendance. All prospective students should verify with the APA National Office that the training they wish to receive is accredited at the time that they plan to attend training. Attending an APA accredited program is only one of the prerequisites for membership in the APA.
International Polygraph Studies
Somos una escuela líder en el ámbito de la Detección Psicofisiológica del Engaño (Polígrafo). Brindamos acreditaciones internacionales, actualizaciones y especializaciones. Hemos entrenando a más de 4000 alumnos de diferentes países principalmente de Latinoamérica.
Cost - Polygraph School
AIIP can present classes up to 40 hours, at your location or here at Peachtree City, Georgia. Prices are negotiable depending on AIIP’s normal class schedule (see CALENDAR) and the location of the presentation. We have negotiated rates with several facilities in the area.
Polygraph Academy | Polygraph School | Learn Polygraph and …
PolygraphAcademy.com - Nationwide Polygraph Examiner Education and Courses. Education in polygraph instruments & techniques. modern polygraph professional! • Is A License Required By My State? Welcome to PolygraphAcademy.com and AmericanPolygraphAcademy.com! See the 7 most popular one-day workshops below!
International Polygraph Studies
We are a leading school focsued on the Psychophysiological Detection of Deception (Polygraph Testing). We offer international certification, continuous, and specialized training courses. We have trained more than 4000 students from different countries, mostly in Latin America.