Vocal Polyps and Nodules - Medscape
2023年8月31日 · Vocal fold polyps (VFPs) are generally unilateral and have a broad spectrum of appearances, from hemorrhagic to edematous, pedunculated to sessile, and gelatinous to...
Understanding Nodules, Polyps, Cysts - THE VOICE FOUNDATION
A vocal fold polyp typically occurs only on one side of the vocal fold. Although there may be some similarities between polyps and nodules, they look different when examined under the microscope. Polyps are typically more reddish, due to …
Benign Vocal Fold Lesions | Department of Otolaryngology–Head …
The term “vocal fold lesion” is a general term for a growth on the vocal folds, and refers to vocal nodules, vocal polyps, and vocal cysts. Vocal fold lesions may be associated with phonotrauma. Phonotrauma. Normal vocal behaviors used in excess, leading to vocal fold injury (e.g., excessive loudness or cough)
Vocal Fold Nodules, Polyps, Cysts, and Reactive Lesions - THE …
Regardless of type, benign vocal fold lesions – nodules, polyps, or cysts – cause hoarseness by disrupting the vocal fold closure and vibration pattern. Determining the type of vocal fold lesion (s) is important since some respond well to voice therapy alone while others require surgical removal.
Surgical management of broad-based sessile vocal cord polyps ...
The therapeutic effects of both TVFP and MLS on the treatment of broad-based sessile vocal cord polyps are related to their clinical characteristics and histological types. Satisfactory outcomes are achieved in oedematous, gelatinous, and vascular types of polyps after either surgical procedure.
Hyperfunctional Laryngeal Behavior: Is It the Cause or ... - PubMed
Objectives: To evaluate the relationship between arytenoid adduction asymmetry (AAA) and the demographic and morphological characteristics of true vocal fold (TVF) polyps and establish the cause and effect relationship between AAA and TVF polyps.
Value of videostroboscopic parameters in differentiating true vocal ...
Differentiating between benign true vocal fold (TVF) cysts, polyps, and nodules on the basis of their gross appearance would be advantageous in determining the need for surgical therapy. A retrospective study of 32 patients covering 31 months was done to assess the ability to differentiate these les …
Vocal Polyps and Nodules Clinical Presentation - Medscape
2023年8月31日 · A characteristic history of present illness referable to either vocal fold polyps (VFPs) or vocal fold nodules (VFNs) may include subjective symptoms of breathy, weak, raspy, or hoarse voice...
多聚磷酸盐 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
PolyP的聚集可以修饰H. pylori主要转录因子Sigma80,进而调节基因的转录,最终对巨噬细胞的清除作用产生影响。 ATP合成与再生 ATP可以辅助抑制 PPK启动子,生长在低磷酸环境的细胞 ATP含量较低并且比处于充足磷酸环境的细胞表达了更多的PPK,证实 ATP与 polyP的代谢 ...
Vascular Lesions of the Vocal Fold - Medscape
2021年12月3日 · Patients presenting immediately after an acute bleed may have extensive ecchymosis and hemosiderosis of the involved true vocal fold. Acute hemorrhage may resolve without event, or it may transform...