API 610 Centrifugal Pump Types – OH, BB & VS - HardHat …
BB2 Type Pump. The difference between BB1 and BB2 is the way the casing is split. In BB2, the casing is radially split type.
BB2, two stage, Horizontal between-bearing - Delta-p
Our two stage API 610 type BB2 pumps are centre line mounted, radial split, single or double suction, between bearing pumps. The pump and motor are flexibly coupled and installed on a common baseplate. The back pull-out design allow removal of the rotor assembly without disturbing the driver, coupling hubs or casing nozzle connections.
DSA BB2 Type API 610 Centrifugal Pump - Trillium Flow …
Gabbioneta ® DSA Pumps offer axial balance, proven reliability, and easy maintenance in the toughest conditions, including temperatures over 120°C. The DSA Gabbioneta Pumps ® are horizontal, between bearings, with radial split casing and a double suction impeller.
BB2 radially split 1 and 2 stages - Sulzer
The BBT/BBTD 2 stage, radially split ISO 13709 / API 610 Type BB2 pumps offers the widest range of hydraulic performance in the industry. The BBTD double suction impeller provides reduced NPSH3 for tough services in refineries and other critical applications.
API Marelli BB2 Pumps | Sundyne
Proven to be reliable, efficient and long-lasting, Marelli BB2 pumps provide a number of operational benefits for process engineers and plant operators: API 610 11th Edition/ISO 13709 full compliance for reliability and accountability; Suitable with 60 Hz and 50 kW motors
9.2两端支撑泵(BB1,BB2,BB3和BB5) - API610_第12版中文批 …
9.2两端支撑泵(bb1,bb2,bb3和bb5) 9.3垂直悬吊泵; 10.卖方数据; 附录. 附录a:比转速和吸入比转速; 附录b:冷却水示意图; 附录c:水力能量回收透平; 附录d:标准底座; 附录e:查验清单; 附录f:管道设计标准; 附录g:材料等级选择指南; 附录h:泵部件的材料和 ...
DP BB2 TYPE API 610 CENTRIFUGAL PUMP. Termomeccanica Pompe DP pumps are between bearings, radially split, single stage, with a double suction impeller and double volute. DP pumps are heavy duty process pumps, centerline mounted for high temperature, high pressure services.
DH & DDH BB2 Type API 610 Centrifugal Pump - Trillium Flow …
This API-compliant BB2 pump range is radially split, two-stage, between-bearings, and centerline-mounted with either a single or double suction first stage impeller for reduced NPSHr. Key Features Fully API 610 compliant
API610 BB2 Centrifugal Oil Pump Manufacturer - NTGD Pump
An API610 BB2 centrifugal oil pump is designed according to BB2 pump specifications spelt out in the 10 th edition of API610. It has a between-bearing (BB) type two design where the impeller is installed on a shaft supported by bearings on both sides and housed in a radially split casing.
Pompa Tipe BB2 Seri FBB - Pabrik Pemasok Produsen Pompa Tipe BB2 …
Pompa tipe BB2 seri FBB dirancang dan diproduksi berdasarkan API610 edisi terbaru, strukturnya horizontal, terbelah secara radial, satu tahap dan dua tahap & multistage, pompa sentrifugal antar bantalan, rangkaian pompa ini dirancang untuk memenuhi permintaan yang lebih tinggi. dan kerja keras...