DWO - Surface water pump with open impeller - EBARA
The DWO is an open impeller centrifugal pump that is suitable for washing systems with small size suspended particles. The DWC is a Centrifugal pump with a single-channel impeller that is suited for refrigeration systems, such as chillers. The DWC version with the Victaulic coupling comes with an insulation shell as a standard option.
Ebara DWO 400 Centrifugal Pump - Lenntech
EBARA centrifugal electric pumps are protected by and carry international patents. The stainless steel electric pumps are developed by using fully robotic processes that optimize handling of materials, enabling quick changes to production lines, and ensuring high levels of line quality control and standardization.
Model DWO Model Designation DWO EBARA Stainless Steel Open Impeller Centrifugal Pumps EBARA Pumps Americas Corporation www.pumpsebara.com 701 (t) 803 327-5005 • (f) 803 327-5097 rev. B1008-02 MODEL TYPE DWO – Open Impeller centrifugal pump RATED HP 150 – 1.5HP 200 – 2HP 300 – 3HP 550 – 5.5HP HERTZ 6 – 60Hz PHASE/VOLT
DWO - Ebara
dwo Single-stage Centrifugal Motor Pump - Monoblock with semi-open Impeller- Single-phase or three-phase II-pole motor, 60Hz, 3500rpm - Nozzles with BSP thread, Suction 2" "x Pressure 2" "(Models 15 and 20), Suction 2.1 / 2" "x Press down 2 "" (Models 30 and 40).
- [PDF]
DWO - Ebara
DWO EPA-SPECIFICATIONS Page Features & Applications 100 Exploded View 101 Pump & Motor Specifications 102 Selection Chart -PERFORMANCE CURVES Performance Curve – DWO 150 200 Performance Curve – DWO 200 201 Performance Curve – DWO 300 202 Performance Curve – DWO 400 203-CONSTRUCTIONS Constructions - Sectional View and Table 300
Pompa DWO 200M Ebara 230V - Pompyhydrofory.pl
Pompa przemysłowa Ebara DWO 200M z silnikiem 1,5kW. Do mediów brudnych z zawartością ciał stałych Ømax. 19 mm. Systemy myjące, instalacje basenowe. Korpus z AISI 304.
Pompa centrifuga a girante aperta DWO - EBARA
Con la pompa centrifuga DWO è possibile pompare liquidi moderatamente aggressivi, soluzione di acqua e glicole, liquidi contenenti impurità di piccola dimensione, liquidi derivanti in genere da sistemi di lavaggio industriale.
Open Impeller Centrifugal Pump (DWO) - Ebara Indonesia
Open Impeller Centrifugal Pump (DWO) Features. Open impeller centrifugal electric pumps with hydraulic parts in AISI 304 stainless steel; Strong construction; Small dimensions; Silent; Application; Specification; Selection Chart; Washing vegetables, meat, fish, mollusk; Industrial washing plants at cycle end;
Pompa Ebara typ DWO - sprzedaż, dostawy.
DWO pompy odśrodkowe z wirnikiem otwartym ze stali AISI 304 Zastosowania. Mycie warzyw, mięsa, ryb, owoców, instalacje przemysłowe do mycia po zakończeniu cyklu technologicznego, mycie i wykończenie powierzchni metalowych, mycie butelek, pojemników, skrzyń i koszy, zmywarki, myjki do naczyń, kabiny malarskie. Dane techniczne pomp Ebara ...
Open Impeller Centrifugal Pump (DWO) - Ebara Indonesia
PT EBARA Indonesia. Head Office & Factory Jl. Raya Jakarta - Bogor, KM, 32 Curug, Cimanggis, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16453; Head Quarter EBARA Corporation