POMZ - Wikipedia
The POMZ, POMZ-2 and POMZ-2M (ПОМЗ, ПОМЗ-2, ПОМЗ-2М) are three types of Soviet-made stake mounted anti-personnel fragmentation mine. The POMZ mine was used during the Second World War. It was superseded by the POMZ-2, and later by the improved POMZ-2M.
POMZ-2地雷 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
pomz-2地雷(俄语: ПОМЗ-2 )是苏联 玄武岩设计局在20世纪40年代开发的一种绊线式地雷,是具有非常简单构造的爆炸装置。外型酷似一枚大号的木柄手榴弹,仅有六个主要部件:引信、火帽、雷管、装药、雷体和固定桩,非常易于制造和安装。
POMZ-2M棒状防步兵地雷 - 百度百科
POMZ-2棒状防步兵地雷(POMZ-2M Anti-personnel Stake Mine)为POMZ-2型的更新产品,带有引信室,并有5 组预制破片。 该雷由State Factories生产。
苏联POMZ-2M棒状防步兵地雷 - 哔哩哔哩
苏联POMZ-2M棒状防步兵地雷#军事科技, 视频播放量 124416、弹幕量 4、点赞数 1010、投硬币枚数 14、收藏人数 69、转发人数 2, 视频作者 军武解码, 作者简介 分享全球军武新动态,相关视频:苏联PDM-6地雷,非胡桃厨也心动的程度,数 学 杂 交 版,文科生就不要做科普了吧。 ,“野路子手枪”,使用右手拉栓上膛都是新手? 而用左手却有两种方式? 哪种更强? ,“点 火 射 击”,数学课本里的五大奇人,偏印能不能化解七杀,想接的就接.
Pomz 2 landmine - CAT-UXO
This is the Russian POMZ-2, a High-Explosive-Fragmentation (HE-Frag), Tripwire (TPW) actuated, stake-mounted, Anti-Personnel (AP), landmine, which has been extensively copied …
POMZ-2M棒狀防步兵地雷 - 中文百科全書
POMZ-2棒狀防步兵地雷(POMZ-2M Anti-personnel Stake Mine)為POMZ-2型的更新產品,帶有引信室,並有5 組預製破片。 該雷由State Factories生產。 概述,裝備狀況,改進及變型情況,其它,
Landmine, APERS, POMZ-2M - Bulletpicker
The POMZ-2M is a fragmentation stake mine consisting of a serrated cylindrical cast-iron fragmentation sleeve, a 75-gram TNT charge, an MUV-type tripwire fuze, and a wooden stake. This mine is normally employed in covering vegetation with the top of the mine approximately 30 cm above ground with the tripwire attached to a fixed object.
POMZ-2地雷 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
pomz-2地雷(俄语: ПОМЗ-2 )是苏联 玄武岩设计局在20世纪40年代开发的一种绊线式地雷,是具有非常简单构造的爆炸装置。外型酷似一枚大号的木柄手榴弹,仅有六个主要部件:引信、火帽、雷管、装药、雷体和固定桩,非常易于制造和安装。
Mines POMZ-2 - nolandmines.com
The POMZ-2 is a stake-mounted anti-personnel fragmentation mine made in the former Soviet Union (and easily copied in many countries). The body of the mine is a cast-iron thick-walled tube with six rows of cast fragmentation "chunks".
The POMZ-2 Mine in Detail - russianwarrior.com
POMZ-2 mines most often used one of the MUV series of detonators. These simple devices consist of a spring (inside) driving a piston (visible at the far right). When the tripwire is pulled, it removes the stopper (shown here as a silver wire) causing the spring to drive the piston into the detonator's primer.