Ponytail Palm Root System??? - UBC Botanical Garden Forums
2007年7月2日 · We had a huge Queen palm in the planter area I described, damage to the bricks was minimal (patching broken planters goes on alot here), but the walk way concrete was lifted a bit. We only took it out due to power lines and the power company had the last say on that. The area is nearly still all palm roots even though we had the stump ground.
Pony Tail Palm: How Do I Cut The Top??? - UBC Botanical Garden …
2005年5月12日 · I too have a ponytail palm.... it was my grandmothers for the last 30 -35 years. It was very beautiful untill this last year when a wasp nest full of wasps decided to inhabit my tree. Well I was so afraid (which now I wish I was so afraid) I used a wasp spray to kill the wasp and it killed my ponytail. I love this tree, it stands about 8-9 ft tall.
How to grow multiple trunks on a Ponytail Palm?
2007年6月24日 · Funny story: I was watching eBay one day, and saw a "rare ponytail palm" (their wording, not mine). I clicked on the link, only to see a small ponytail palm with three sprouts on the top. They said they didn't know what caused this rarity. As soon as I saw it, I thought; "I'll bet I can figure this out".
Shrinking PonyTail Palm Bulb | UBC Botanical Garden Forums
2008年1月14日 · I just noticed that my ponytail palm bulb has shrunk or collapsed. The plant is in a small pot with the bulb about 4 inches in diameter. But now part of the bulb looks deflated! There is no sign of root rot as I have not watered the plant for a long time.
HELP!! Base of palm so big and right next to the pool!
2015年9月8日 · Similar problem: I have a pair of multitrunked "Ponytail Palms". The caudex on one is 4 feet across with 4-5 trunks going up 8-10 feet. The other is about three feet across with 3-4 8 foot trunks.
Cat VS. Ponytail Palm (Picture included) - UBC Botanical Garden …
2008年9月24日 · For this one it was PONYTAIL PALM not Beaucarnea recurvata. They are going by the layman's term because Beaucarnea recurvata isn't recognizable to the larger group of plant customers. LilyofthePlains , Sep 29, 2008
help:is my ponytail palm dead? | UBC Botanical Garden Forums
2007年11月16日 · My ponytail palm, which was perfectly healthy last year, started to lose leaves- they were green but lifeless and dry. I did not water it much. So, I decided to water it more. It developed some new leaves, but later they died too. While repotting it, I noticed that the roots are all wet and they were just falling off when I touched them.
How to grow multiple trunks on a Ponytail Palm?
2020年3月25日 · Hello I am impressed How many years is your Ponytail palm I just got 12 babies +-1" across and found out they were Ponytail babies I had 2m tall ones in South Africa but purchased already 1+meter I am in Vancouver so would you say one can keep them outdoors in late spring till mid automn.
Trying to bring ponytail palm back to life - UBC Botanical Garden …
2019年3月12日 · Assuming your ponytail plant is in a pot, it would be an idea to remove it from the pot and take a good look at the roots. It should be easy enough by now to see if they are alive or dead but, if you're not sure, photograph them too when you send us …
Permanent removal of ponytail palm - UBC Botanical Garden Forums
2016年3月15日 · I have (or had) a GINORMOUS (over 13' tall) ponytail that I had to remove because the PO of my house placed a lot of stone around it and the stones and the base/caudex crushed two of my sprinkler zones between the house, and stones. The only way to repair the sprinkler zones was to remove the ponytail. What a job!