Púca - Wikipedia
It is a creature associated with Samhain, a Goidelic harvest festival, when the last of the crops are brought in. Anything remaining in the fields is considered "puka", or fairy-blasted, and hence …
Pooka / Púca in Irish Folklore - Legends in Irish Mythology
In Ireland, the Púca seems to be the most feared Faerie possibly because it appears only at night and enjoys creating havoc and mischief. We feel this is doing the Pooka an injustice because …
Pook Press | Illustrated Fairy Tales, Folk Tales and Children's Classics
Pook Press is a publisher of vintage illustrated fairy tales, folk tales and children's classics - bringing magical tales back to life.
The Irish legend of the Pooka - IrishCentral
2024年1月12日 · The Pooka, or in Irish Puca, (goblin) is a phantom fairy creature that features in Celtic folklore and fairytales of Ireland. A similar fairy entity appears in the mythology of …
The Pooka | Emerald Isle Irish and Celtic myths, fairy tales and …
The Pooka or Puca is one of the most ancient fairy creatures of Ireland, and is known further abroad as well, called Puck or Pook. In some places he is feared and in others respected.
Púca Origins: How a Mischievous Little Monster Infiltrated Irish ...
2022年10月2日 · And now, for a tiny little post about a tiny little monster: the púca. Often anglicized as “pooka,” this notoriously mischievous monster is, technically speaking, a spirit. …
Irish Fairies | The Pooka - Irelandseye.com
In parts of County Laois, the pooka becomes a huge, hairy bogeyman who terrifies those abroad at night; in Waterford and Wexford, it appears as an eagle with a massive wingspan; and in …
Free Reads - Browse the Online Fairy Tale Library | Pook Press
Free Reads - Browse the online fairy tale library and discover a collection of classic, illustrated fairy tales to read online
Our Favourite Fae Fairy Tales - Pook Press
We have collated our most-treasured fae-inspired stories, so that you can fully immerse yourself in the wonder of the fairy kingdom. The following list features the wonderful work of writers …
Pooka - Monstropedia
2011年4月19日 · The Púca is a fairy creature of Celtic folklore, notably in Ireland and Wales. The Púca is considered by many to be the most terrifying of all faery creatures.