Poverty Overview: Development news, research, data | World Bank
2024年10月15日 · Today, incomes around the world, on average, would have to increase five-fold to reach the level of $25 per person per day, the minimum prosperity standard for high-income …
Multidimensional Poverty Measure - World Bank Group
Under this broader definition of poverty, many more people come into view as poor. While monetary poverty is strongly correlated with deprivations in other domains, this correlation is …
Brazil Overview: Development news, research, data | World Bank
2024年10月21日 · Progress in Brazil would enhance livability in the rest of the world, and vice-versa. The World Bank is committed to supporting Brazil’s goals of accelerating productivity …
Nearly Half the World Lives on Less than $5.50 a Day - World Bank …
2018年10月17日 · The region with the largest number of extreme poor, Africa saw its population nearly double between 1990 and 2015, with one of the largest increases in population being …
Taking the Pulse of Poverty and Inequality in Thailand - World …
In the Central and Northeast, the population of poor increased by over half a million in each region from 2015 to 2018. Thailand’s official poverty rate increased in 2016 and again in 2018. These …
Nigeria Poverty Assessment - World Bank Group
2022年3月22日 · Sluggish growth, low human capital, labor market weaknesses, and exposure to shocks are holding Nigeria’s poverty reduction back says a new World Bank report “A Better …
billion extremely poor individuals in the world, the aggregate global extreme poverty gap amounts to approximately $169 billion dollars in 2005 PPP dollars, or approximately $197 billion in …
Lao PDR Poverty Profile and Poverty Assessment 2020 - World …
Southern and northern provinces drove the impressive progress in reducing poverty. Between 2013 and 2019, poverty rates decreased in all southern provinces except in Attapeu. Overall, …
How We Work - World Bank Group
As shown in Figure 1, in 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic reversed the historic progress in poverty reduction in all regions, except Latin America and the Caribbean where governments used …
Is globalization a good or a bad thing? - World Bank Group
2014年2月11日 · As could be expected, it shows that the world remains a tremendously unequal place. Using a standard indicator (the Gini coefficient), global inequality is far greater than …