2016年3月12日 · 在 《Intel Architecture Software Developer’s Manual Volume 2:Instruction Set Reference》 中说明了PUSHA/PUSHAD,POPA/POPAD指令的用法。 他们的指令码是一样的。 这两个指令的作用是把通用寄存器压栈。 寄存器的入栈顺序依次是:EAX,ECX,EDX,EBX,ESP (初始值),EBP,ESI,EDI. 这两个指令的作用是把通用寄存器压栈。 寄存器的入栈顺序依次是:AX,CX,DX,BX,SP (初始值),BP,SI,DI. 注意:指令执行后,对标志寄存器无影响。 …
GitHub - pku-liang/popa: A unified programming framework for …
We propose a unified programming framework, POPA, which achieves portability via architectural abstraction and performance via specialization. A parallel dataflow machine is proposed as a unified, abstract hardware target that hides differences of concrete architectures.
Machine learning-based multi-objective optimization and …
2023年8月1日 · NSGA-Ⅱ and TOPSIS are used to perform multi-objective optimization on the thermal efficiency and POPA NN model prediction results of ORC system for engine vehicle under Japan10-15 road condition. The optimal Pareto frontier of thermal efficiency and POPA of the optimized system are 2.84% and 0.34 kW/m 2 , respectively.
Parametric optimization and performance analysis of ORC …
2015年11月1日 · The optimal operating parameters of the ORC system are investigated under diesel engine various operating conditions with evaporation pressure, superheat degree, and condensation temperature of the working fluid as optimization parameters for the maximum POPA (net power output per unit heat transfer area) and the minimum EDR (exergy destruction ...
POPA: Expressing High and Portable Performance across Spatial …
2024年4月2日 · We propose a unified programming framework, POPA, which achieves portability via architectural abstraction and performance via specialization. A parallel dataflow machine is proposed as a unified, abstract hardware target that hides differences of concrete architectures.
x86 Assembly pushad/popad, How fast it is? - Stack Overflow
2018年1月26日 · If you're optimizing for obsolete CPUs (like original in-order Pentium, and Pentium II/III), pusha/popa are as fast as 8 push r or 8 pop r, and actually fewer uops, because they didn't have a stack engine to eliminate the ESP-update uops.
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Results Obtained by Methanol Fuelling Diesel Engine
2001年11月12日 · Experimental investigations were carried out on a VCR diesel engine using diesel-methanol-nitromethane blends to determine the most favorable blending ratio and engine operating parameters for enhancing performance and reduce emissions and found the best suitable value of CR for D-M5-NM2.5.
xxlabaza/popa: Spring Boot based CLI tool for tempting HTML/CSS/JS - GitHub
Popa is a java cli static site generating tool for developers and designers. Popa's first goal is reducing the complexity of creating front-end by providing easy in use mechanisms of templating, minifying and HTTP server.
POPA Federal Credit Union - Savings & Loans | California Credit …
POPA FCU, with locations in Los Angeles and Orange county, provides low-cost deposit and loan products to help build savings and access credit.