Pope 6SN7GT - NOS Vacuum Tubes for Sale | Tubes Unlimited
NOS NIB Pope Holland Made 1950’s bottom D Getter! Mullard and Marconi branded! Amazing fidelity, holographic! Probably the very best sounding 6SN7 ever made other than the rare Marconi B65.
6SN7 TUBES IN STOCK - Audiotubes.com
The 6SN7 tube is a medium-mu twin triode in an octal based package, usually glass, although some metal envelope types were made. In normal use it operates as a class A amplifier. It was widely used in the early days of television as the vertical amplifier, and it's use was so common in most TV chassis designs that vintage 6SN7 tubes are still ...
十二款6SN7胆 试听分析 - 音 响 论 坛 -耳机俱乐部论坛
2006年11月23日 · 6SN7是目前音响用中μ值电压放大胆管中最常用的一种,此胆是旁热式双三极,是目前常用的中μ值胆 (如12AU7、12BH7等)中屏耗最高的一种,工作电流可调得较大,而且由于内阻较低 (约7kΩ),所以用途相对比较广泛。 在国内外厂出胆机和土炮中经常看见它坚守在电压放大和推动的位置上,也常见用于后级放大器的输入级,相对而言用在前级放大器上就少一些。 由于它耐压较高,工作电流大,所以声音相对较浑厚。 内阻较低、中μ值和相对低的输入阻抗使 …
NOS Pope 6SN7GT Pre Amp Tubes Lot of 4 Upscale Audio Phillips …
NOS Pope 6SN7GT tubes in very good condition. Acquired from Upscale Audio. Tubes are stamped r93 L1F. Reverb has your back if your item is lost, damaged, or doesn't match its description. Simply report any issues within 7 days and we'll help you get a full refund. Learn more about Reverb Buyer Protection.
6SN7GT = 6SN7GTA = 6SN7GTB = ECC32 Dual Triode - NOS …
These smoked glass RCA 6SN7GT are arguably one of the best sounding USA made 6SN7 ever! They will have either military (VT-231, CRC, JAN etc) or commercial printing on the glass and smoked glass envelope! Manufactured in the 1950's! Branding may vary but all will have smoked glass! $144.99 per tube $
Pope 6SN7GT For Sale - Audiogon
2025年2月7日 · Pope 6SN7GT Tubes for sale. Pulled from my Canary Audio pre amp with 200 to 300 hours on them. Very rare indeed. US sale only.
TubeDepot.com | 6SN7 Pre Amplifier Vacuum Tubes | Tube Depot
Tube Depot carries a selection of 6SN7 Pre Amp Vacuum Tubes. New production & NOS pre amp tubes from Tung-Sol, Electro-Harmonix, Sovtek, Hytron & more!
HIFIDIY论坛-6SN7热门管的发烧谈;比较。 - Powered by Discuz!
2024年12月8日 · 6SN7是个在胆机发烧娱乐中使用几率较高,较受欢迎的管子。 参数相近的管子有;5692、ECC32、33、34、带帽的有6F8G、BL63、参数一致的还有B65、CV1988。 12V灯丝的有;12SN7、B36。 玩家必然比较其中乐趣。 请玩家谈谈各牌,各管的玩中差别供普通发烧友借鉴、认识。 看过几篇6SN7系列管的比较文章,由于涉及管子偏少所以发帖询问学习。 6SN7是个在胆机发烧娱乐中使用几率较高,较受欢迎的管子。 参数相近的管子有;5692、ECC32、33 …
Pair Pope 6SN7GT Mullard Brimar Philips Holland Upscale Audio …
2024年7月11日 · I am selling one Pair of Genuine Pope 6SN7GT (Mullard / Brimar / Philips) made in Holland. These tubes were purchased from Upscale Audio over a decades ago for the high end Cary SL-P05 tube preamplifier. They are arguably the best sounding 6SN7 tubes and very comparable to the Sylvania metal base 6SN7 for the sonics and musicality.
Pope 6sn7GT Quad For Sale - US Audio Mart
Up for sale are some ultra rare Pope 6sn7gt tubes. Just don't have a need for these now. I had them in my preamp with 107db efficient speakers and they were quiet tubes. $550 for 2 tubes or $1000 shipped for all 4.