Population Projections - Census.gov
2023年11月9日 · Population projections are estimates of the population for future dates. They are typically based on an estimated population consistent with the most recent decennial census and are produced using the cohort-component method. Read More
Population Projections Tables - Census.gov
2024年10月24日 · These tables present the results of the population projections in summary form by various characteristics to facilitate access to the data. Files are typically available in both Excel (.xls) and comma-separated value (.csv) formats. Additional projections files are available in the Datasets section.
Population Projections - Census.gov
2024年9月30日 · Projections illustrate possible courses of population change based on assumptions about future births, deaths, net international migration, and domestic migration. In some cases, several series of projections are produced based on alternative assumptions for future fertility, life expectancy, net international migration, and (for state-level ...
U.S. Population Projected to Begin Declining in Second Half of …
2023年11月16日 · The 2023 National Population Projections provide estimates of the future U.S. population by age, sex, race, Hispanic origin and nativity through 2060 and by age, sex and nativity only through 2100. These projections supersede the 2017 series and are the first set of projections based on the 2020 Census.
2023 Population Projections for the Nation - Census.gov
2023年11月13日 · These projections provide a comprehensive analysis of the nation’s projected population through 2100. The analysis covers projected births, deaths and net international migration in addition to population size and composition by age, …
2023 National Population Projections Datasets - Census.gov
2023年11月9日 · This projections series uses the official estimates of the resident population on July 1, 2022 as the base for projecting the US population from 2023 to 2100. The series uses the cohort-component method and historical trends in births, deaths, and international migration to project the future size and composition of the national population.
Population Estimates and Projections - Census.gov
Population projections are estimates of the population for future dates. Projections illustrate possible courses of population change based on assumptions about future births, deaths, net international migration, and domestic migration.
2023 National Population Projections Tables: Main Series
This projections series uses the official estimates of the resident population on July 1, 2022 as the base for projecting the U.S. population from 2023 to 2100. The series uses the cohort-component method and historical trends in births, deaths, and international migration to project the future size and composition of the national population.
Population Projections Data - Census.gov
2021年12月17日 · Population Projections Errata Notes Identified errors are reported, corrected, and re-released. Below is a list of each reissued file with the date of reissue and a brief description.
Population and Housing Unit Estimates - Census.gov
2024年12月19日 · The Census Bureau's Population Estimates Program (PEP) produces estimates of the population for the United States, states, metropolitan and micropolitan statistical areas, counties, cities, towns, as well as for Puerto Rico and its municipios.