tcp - How does Ident work? - Super User
2012年7月18日 · The Ident Protocol is designed to work as a server daemon, on a user's computer, where it receives requests to a specified port, generally 113. In a query, a client specifies a pair of ports (a local and a remote port).
Nmap showing 113/tcp closed ident for every IP - Super User
For skipping a particular port, you can provide a range of valid ports, omitting that one port. In this case: -p 1-112,114-1024 would scan all ports from 1 to 1024, omitting 113. For now, you can specify more ports than you want, and then limit them to the X most frequently open ports with - …
How to stealth Port 113 in my NAT Router | Tom's Hardware Forum
2004年7月26日 · "port forwarding" configuration options to forward just port 113 into the wild blue yonder. Just tell the router to forward port 113 packets to a completely non-existent IP address, one way up at the end of your router's internal address range. The router will then NOT return a port closed status. It will simply forward the port 113 packet
Filter Ident port 113 - Tom's Hardware Forum
2005年1月2日 · Filter IDENT (Port 113) > Prevents outside intruders from attacking the router through the internet > using service port 113. Select Enable to prevent attack through this service > port. However, some applications may require this service port to be > available. If needed, uncheck to allow those applications to work
SSH client connection delay on LAN when Windows Firewall is …
2023年2月14日 · More importantly, opening port 113 in the windows firewall for LAN has no effect : It's very rare for any computer to run an Ident responder these days (IRC is the only place that has seen any kind of significant use for it), but normally the incoming connection to port 113 would be immediately rejected using a TCP RST packet and the server ...
Port 113 Stealthing and Belkin 4-port DSL router
2004年5月9日 · Archived from groups: comp.security.firewalls (More info?) Hi, I just bought a Belkin 4-port DSL router for our network to share DSL to several computers...
Port 113 - Tom's Hardware Forum
2004年7月12日 · > One explanation but not the only one: Port 113 is the ident service, > often used in conjunction with smtp and/or ftp (look in your firewall > log). So, if you want to use a smtp server, you must have an ident > server or you have to reject 113-packets correctly and not to drop. IDENT is also used by IRC-servers quite often, IIRC. Juergen ...
Port 113 is closed - Tom's Hardware Forum
2005年9月3日 · > back "stealth" except for port 113, which came back closed. > My impression is that having 113 closed is probably quite ok, but I > wanted to get some opinions on this. This is done because many SMTP and IRC servers check port 113 (identd/auth, a Unix-centric service which returns the username opening
Do I need to filter multicast signals? | Tom's Hardware Forum
2007年2月16日 · I have questions about filtering data coming through router. Do I need to filter multicast signals, port 113, and anonymous internet requests? I have the Linksys WRT54G wireless router. What is multicast signal? what is port 113? Is …
What is Port 113 and it's importance | Wilders Security Forums
2006年10月24日 · Port 113 is the so called idendity port which is not used anymore very often. In former times (sometimes still today) POP3 provider and IRC server used it. It is advicable to close/stealph this port, and open it only in spezial occasions as mentioned above (if needed).