COM port 4 in use? - Tom's Hardware Forum
2005年7月17日 · 1. Modem is using COM port 3 2. There is no COM port 4 shown in Device Manager When I added my Bluetooth, I noticed it created a Serial port COM 5. Out of …
How to check COM ports in Windows 10? - Super User
2020年6月12日 · The proper path to Device Manager is: Open RESOURCE EXPLORER (Win+E), right click on THIS COMPUTER, click on DEVICE MANAGER Anyway on my …
windows 7 - Why is my system using port 4? - Super User
Port 4 of what protocol? udp, tcp, icmp (type), ipv4 encapsulation (ip protocol 4)? You say "using port 4" - using implies source port, or is it connecting to port 4? If you can post what you are …
How to enable the lan4 on zte F670L for internet usage?
2020年10月22日 · Just go to the Network, then click on port binding, uncheck the LAN4 and hit save. Note: By checking the manual, the default password for superadmin access are the …
USB 3.0 devices not using SuperSpeed - Super User
2021年7月22日 · It is interesting that USBView does list 21 ports (16 to 21 being listed as "Companion Ports" which say they support USB 3.0 SuperSpeed. But regardless of which …
[SOLVED] Sata HDD not detected in BIOS (all SATA ports are …
2019年7月2日 · If you have a SATA-based SSD in M2A, you lose SATA port #1, regardless of whether the port is "enabled" in the BIOS. If you have a SATA or NVMe SSD in M2M, you lose …
How to find the faulty part and resolve the "unknown usb device" …
2016年5月7日 · Windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems. (Code 43) A request for the USB configuration descriptor failed. Location: Port_#0010.Hub_#0003. …
What do the upstream/downstream USB ports on a monitor do?
In many newer monitors, the upstream USB port on the monitor is usually a USB-C port. Thus, today, USB-C and Thunderbolt ports allow you to use a single cable between your computer …
Why is the 'System' process listening on port 443? - Super User
It turns out, the system process (PID 4) uses the port 443. I don't have IIS installed, the services.msc shows (predictably) no Exchange server running, nor WWW-Services, nor IIS. I …
windows - Now who's using my COM port? - Super User
Yes, in Process Explorer, the application using the port will have a "File" handle called \Device\SerialN where N is a zero-based index. Update: The "N" in "serialN" is not the COM …