Port 512 (tcp/udp) :: SpeedGuide
SG Ports Services and Protocols - Port 512 tcp/udp information, official and unofficial assignments, known security risks, trojans and applications use.
List of TCP and UDP port numbers - Wikipedia
This is a list of TCP and UDP port numbers used by protocols for operation of network applications. The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) …
Port 512 TCP/UDP - Ports Master
Port 512 is a well-known port used by the REXEC protocol for remote command execution in TCP/IP networks, allowing authenticated access.
TCP/UDP端口列表 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Default port for BMC軟件公司 CONTROL-M/Server - Configuration Agent port number - though often changed during installation: 非官方 2370/TCP: Default port for BMC軟件公司 CONTROL …
Port 512 (tcp/udp) - Online TCP UDP port finder - adminsub.net
2016年3月30日 · TCP guarantees delivery of data packets on port 512 in the same order in which they were sent. Guaranteed communication over TCP port 512 is the main difference between …
Ports 512, 513, 514 - Remote Execution (REXEC) services - Hacking …
2024年9月8日 · Ports 512, 513, 514 - Remote services. R-services span across the ports 512, 513, and 514 and are only accessible through a suite of programs known as r-commands. R …
Internet-Security.com TCP port 512 details
Internet TCP port 512 is primarily used by two Unix-based services: exec and biff. The exec service, also known as rexec, is a process that allows commands to be run on a remote …
PORT 512
2025年2月15日 · What is Port 512? Port number 512 is associated with the "rlogin" protocol, which historically provides a remote login capability to users on Unix and Unix-like operating …
Port 512 (ポート512) | PORT INDEX - hi-nemos.com
Port 512(ポート512) ポート範囲 TCP/UDP サービス 詳細 情報; 512: tcp: exec: remote process execution; authentication performed using passwords and UNIX login names: IANA: …
Exec - Wireshark Wiki
TCP: The exec protocol is typically run over TCP port 512, as assigned by the IANA. Example traffic. Wireshark. The exec dissector is fully functional. In some instances, such as when …