simple question what does fa 0/1 mean? - Cisco Community
2016年6月1日 · Generally, if you have just two numbers, separated by a slash, it's as Reza notes. If you get into 3 numbers, separated by slashes, the first digit would be a switch number in a …
Configuring fa1/0 on a router - Cisco Community
2021年4月21日 · the fa1/0 is part of an etherswitch module and so it behaves like a L2 switch port ( note the switchport command) You may have two options: a) int fas1/0! the following command changes the port to a routed port. no switchport. ip address ..... b) USe an SVI . interface vlan 1. ip address x.x.x.x no shut . int fas1/0. switchport
Switch Port Numbers - Cisco Learning Network
So for a two port router you might find g0/0 and g0/1 and for a 24 port switch you will normally see fa0/1 through to fa0/24. To see all the ports on a router or switch you just need to run the command show ip interface brief .
关于交换机生成falpping的原因和解决办法 - CSDN博客
2014年10月16日 · 我们通常认为第一个学习到MAC地址的接口是正确的出接口,称为源端口(OriginalPort),后学习的端口是漂移端口(Move Port),漂移端口通常是在环路上的或者下挂网络中有环路的端口,需要关闭漂移端口或者在漂移端口上配置风暴抑制功能。
Catalyst 4500 Series Switch Software Configuration Guide, 12.2 ... - Cisco
2015年3月21日 · The Ethernet management port, also referred to as the Fa1 or fastethernet1 port, is a Layer 3 host port to which you can connect a PC. You can use the Ethernet management port instead of the switch console port for network management.
what does Command rejected: Fa0/1 not a switching port mean …
2007年1月29日 · It looks like the f0/1 is configured as router port. I believe all the ports in 3550 switch are switchports by default. Someone may have configured 'no switchport' under f0/1. Enter switchport under f0/1 mode and you should be able to configure switchport commands under this int. HTH. Sundar. 11-14-2019 05:26 PM.
路由器和交换机的接口命名含义 - lsgxeva - 博客园
2020年11月8日 · NOTE: The F indicates that the NIC/port is most likely a Fast Ethernet type of connection. This diagram from the Cisco website shows them as well. Here's the referenced as Fa 0/1, which I believe is the more typical notation.
STP: Wrong ROOT port - Cisco Learning Network
According to the STP process Fa1/1 should become the ROOT port since port number 1 is less than port number (given there is a tie at every level). SwitchC#show spanning-tree. VLAN1 is executing the ieee compatible Spanning Tree protocol. Bridge Identifier has priority 32768, address c204.3c54.0000.
EtherSwitch Network Module (ESW) Configuration Example
2007年3月19日 · By default all the ports belong to VLAN1. You can create VLANs only from VLAN database mode. After the VLANs are created from VLAN database mode, the vlan.dat file is created and stored in the Flash file system of the router. You can view the VLANs using the show vlan-switch command.
GNS3 分配vlan 跨vlan通信实验 - CSDN博客
2019年11月22日 · 在配置f1/4时我们没有设置端口的类型为access,但是最后得到的效果是一样的,说明交换机默认的端口类型为access. access类型只允许被标记为被分配VLAN id的信息通过,如端口f1/4分配VLAN id 20,交换机中消息标签是20的消息才会被转发到该接口. 配完VLAN后各PC的通信状况. 二、跨交换机分配VLAN. 扩充网络拓扑如下. 和上文中分配IP地址一样,为PC5和PC6分配id 和192.168.0.106,类似的,在ESW2上建立两个VLAN id分别是10和20,并 …
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