Required Ports Reference – Ubiquiti Help Center
Changing default port assignments can only be done on self-hosted UniFi Network Servers (Windows/macOS/Linux). This can be accomplished as follows: Close any instances of the UniFi Network application. Modify the system.properties file, which can be found in the directory <unifi_base>/data/system.properties.
UniFi Network — 所需端口参考 - ui
以下包括 UniFi 使用的 UDP 和 TCP 端口。 该信息主要适用于自行架设 UniFi Network 应用程序,或拥有另外第三方设备和防火墙的用户。
Switch Port VLAN Assignment (Trunk & Access Ports)
Configuring VLANs (Virtual Local Area Networks) on switch ports is essential for network segmentation and performance. This article explains how to apply VLANs to switch ports, focusing on trunking/trunk ports and access ports.
UniFi Remote Access: VPN and Port Forwarding – Ubiquiti Help …
VPNs provide encrypted remote access, while port forwarding allows direct external connections to a service on your network. In this guide, we’ll cover when to use each method, how to configure them in UniFi, and key security considerations.
Build and expand your network with Ubiquiti Networks® UniFi® Switch, part of the UniFi line of products. The new 8-port models feature Gigabit Ethernet ports in a compact form factor. The switches are fully manageable, delivering robust performance and …
UniFi Network - 配置端口转发 - ui
2022年11月21日 · 转到 UniFi Network 中的 设置(Settings)> 防火墙&安全(Firewall & Security),创建端口转发规则。 如果您的端口转发或自定义目的地址转换(DNAT)规则不工作,请参考下面的故障排除步骤。 UniFi 网关没有公共 IP 地址(多个 NAT) 如果您的 UniFi 网关位于另一个使用 NAT 的路由器/调制解调器后面,就会发生这种情况。 如果您的 UniFi 网关的 WAN IP 地址在以下范围内,您可能会受到影响。 要解决这个问题,请尝试将您的 ISP 调制解调器/ …
EdgeMax - 端口映射 Port Forwarding 配置 - ui
2017年7月7日 · (1)在 EdgeOS 主界面上点击 Firewall/NAT 后进入到 port forwarding 子界面 (2)依次配置 wan 接口为 eth0,Lan 接口为 eth2 并点击 apply 保存配置 (用户需根据实际 wan 口和 LAN 口进行相应调整)
Port forwarding on Ubiquiti (UBNT) devices - IT Blog
2019年7月25日 · In the “Port Forward” point, we specify “Interface” – WLAN0, “Private IP” – the address of the IP camera, “Port” – 80 (to access the web-interface of the camera), “Type” – TCP (port 80 is working on TCP), “Source IP / Mask” – leave, “Public IP / Mask” – leave too ...
Required Ports for UniFi Network Controller - Blog of Cody Deluisio
2024年8月12日 · Proper port configuration is vital for the efficient operation of a UniFi Network Server, particularly when managing devices both locally and remotely. By understanding and applying the port settings outlined in this guide, you can ensure smooth communication across your network infrastructure.
How to change the UniFi Controller Port: A step by step guide
2024年8月12日 · Before we get into changing ports, it's good to know which ports UniFi Controllers typically use by default: TCP 8080: Used for device management traffic. TCP 8443: The default port for accessing the UniFi Controller’s web interface via HTTPS. TCP 27117: The local MongoDB database port. UDP 3478: Used for STUN (Session Traversal Utilities for NAT).