Portal TV: Video Call on Your Biggest Screen | Meta Portal
Transform your biggest screen into a smart video calling device with Portal TV. Stream Netflix and Amazon Prime, play AR games, and enjoy Facebook Watch with friends.
Setting Up Portal TV - Meta
Discover how to set up your Portal TV with a helping hand from our Portal guides on connecting to your Wifi, logging into Facebook or Whatsapp, and more.
Meta Portal TV - Big Screen Smart Video Calling for Group Calls on Your TV
Meta Portal TV captures your whole room so everyone is in view without jostling for position. Call anyone, anywhere. Use apps like Messenger and WhatsApp to connect with friends and family—even if they don’t have a Meta Portal. A more natural connection.
Portal TV Tech Specs - Meta
Discover all the technical specifications of the Portal TV including dimensions, smart assistant integration, compatible video-calling apps and more.
Facebook Portal TV Review - PCMag
2019年11月8日 · The Facebook Portal TV is an attractive little black bar that measures 1.25 by 7.50 by 2.25 inches (HWD) on a folding, rubberized metal foot that can go above or below …
Portal TV from Facebook, Smart Video Calling on your TV with …
2019年11月5日 · Portal TV. Smart video calling now on the biggest screen in your home, with Alexa built in, AR experiences and more. Smart Camera pans, zooms and widens automatically, so you can move and talk freely while always staying in frame. And Smart Sound enhances voices while minimising unwanted background noise.
Facebook 电视盒子新物种 Portal TV:把视频聊天搬到大屏幕上, …
Facebook Portal TV 是一款能支持视频聊天的 智能电视盒子,早在去年 10 月,就有媒体爆料 Facebook 正在研发这样一款配件产品,当时它的内部代号为「Ripley」。 与同类产品不同,Portal TV 的造型更像早期的微软 Kinect。 其次,它还将 Portal 音箱的核心功能——视频聊天以及 Facebook 的社交平台 Facebook Messenger、WhatsApp 搬上了电视,搭配的遥控器也有专属的语音交互按钮。 它的使用方法其实很简单。 通过 HDMI 线缆连接电视之后,即可登陆个人 …
Meet the New Portal Family: Smart Video Calling on Your TV and …
2019年9月18日 · Portal TV brings smart video-calling to the largest screen in your home. It sits discreetly on top of or below your television for immersive video calling, giving you the freedom …
把你的電視變身為互動式智慧電視 - Facebook Portal TV - Mobile01
2022年7月24日 · Facebook的Portal TV雖然未在台灣正式上市, 但是它提供了另類的選擇, 除了影音支援及語音助理外, 更重要的是包含了Smart Camera支援, 可以做到視訊電話甚至Story Time等.
Facebook 发布新硬件 Portal TV,这是一个可以视频通话、同步看 …
2019年9月19日 · 9 月 18 日,Facebook 对外发布名为「Portal TV」的新硬件。 虽然名字中带有 TV 字样,但这其实是一款带有摄像头的外接设备,功能与 Apple TV 类似,但更注重社交元素。 通过 HDMI 接口将 Portal TV 与电视连接,你就可以用 WhatsApp 和 Messenger 进行视频聊 …