Restaurant Accounting — JD Posner Business Solutions
JD Posner Business Solutions offers expert restaurant and coffee shop accounting services, specializing in fractional controller roles, bookkeeping, and ERP consulting. Our tailored solutions help you optimize your financials, manage day-to-day …
An event-related potential investigation of spatial attention ...
2017年1月1日 · The current study used ERP and a Posner cueing task 13 to investigate spatial orientation in children with MACT and matched controls without MACT. We focused on comparisons of the amplitudes and latencies of P1 and N1 components in the posterior brain region as well as those of N1 and P2 in the centrofrontal brain region between the two groups ...
心理学研究范式 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
空间线索化任务,又称为外部线索化范式(exogenous cueing paradigm)或线索一靶子范式(cue-target paradigm ),是基于Posner (1980)等人研究注意资源的空间分配特点的经典模式。在经典的空间线索化任务中,屏幕中央呈现注视点,同时左右视野分别呈现方框。
方向性提示线索对返回抑制的调节:行为和ERP研究 Directional …
众所周知的返回抑制(IOR),其指的是没有出现提示信息的位置比在出现过提示信息的位置处响应时间更快(Posner, 1984)。但是在中央空间提示线索通常产生长期的促进作用:即使在预期的而不是在意想不到的位置,即使在较长时间(例如,1000毫秒)也可以观察到持续的 ...
空间线索化任务 - 百度百科
又称为空间线索任务或外部线索范式 (exogenous cueing paradigm)或线索一靶子范式 (cue-target paradigm ),是基于Posner (1980)等人研究注意资源的空间分配特点的经典模式。 在经典的空间线索化任务中,屏幕中央呈现注视点,同时左右视野分别呈现方框。 一个方框呈现高亮,即对某一侧空间进行线索化。 高亮消失后,在左右任一方框内随机呈现靶子。 靶子出现在先前线索化的空间位置为有效线索 (valid cues ),靶子出现在先前没有线索化的空间位置为无效线索 (invalid …
Attention shifts and anticipatory mechanisms in hyperactive children ...
2001年7月1日 · In the work presented here we recorded behavioral and ERP data during completion of the Posner paradigm by a sample of ADHD children, and compared them to those of age-matched control subjects. This study is part of a larger developmental project on behavioral responses and ERPs during attention-shifting paradigms in subjects aged 6–50 years.
Methods: We recorded event-related potentials (ERPs) and performance measures during a variant of the Posner paradigm in 13 control subjects and 24 ADHD children.
Mean target-locked ERP waveforms for the P1 and N1
ERPs were recorded using two auditory paradigms: either a tone was presented randomly to the right or left ear (ATP) or as a Posner paradigm (PP) with left to right and vice versa moving cue...
Ryan Posner - Director, PMO with S Phase - S Phase, LLC - LinkedIn
Director, PMO with S Phase · Experience: S Phase, LLC · Education: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Enterprise Academy · Location: Atlanta Metropolitan Area · 500+ connections on LinkedIn. View Ryan...
- 职位: Director, PMO with S Phase
- 位置: S Phase, LLC
- 500+ 连接数
Attention shifts and anticipatory mechanisms in hyperactive children ...
2001年7月1日 · Methods: We recorded event-related potentials (ERPs) and performance measures during a variant of the Posner paradigm in 13 control subjects and 24 ADHD children. Subjects responded with a spatially concordant motor response to left or right visual targets, which could be either preceded by a spatial cue ("valid" = same side; "invalid ...