用GTX1060 玩《GTA 5》如何稳定60帧的前提下效果最大化-achair …
Post FX 开非常高,不开极致,降一档。 游戏内景深效果打开,只有在Post FX 开到非常高或极致的时候,这一项才可以打开。 动态模糊强度:开一点,开车时候的感觉,不习惯可关掉。
What Is Post-Processing in Video Games? - Cultured Vultures
2022年6月8日 · Post-processing improves the general visual quality and is performed after a game’s rendering is completed. It has a rather high impact on FPS when maxed out but …
What exactly is Post Processing and why does it kill my CPU in …
2018年11月9日 · "Apart from dropping the resolution scale, there are a few settings that will help slide your system into more playable framerates. Post processing is the most effective single …
Escape From Tarkov Best PostFX Settings - Games Finder
2025年1月7日 · PostFX is activated through the Tarkov settings screen and is available inside and outside of raid although inside of raid provides a visualise option for players to test the …
UFO Test: Multiple Framerates
Blur Busters UFO Motion Tests with ghosting test, 30fps vs 60fps, 120hz vs 144hz vs 240hz, PWM test, motion blur test, judder test, benchmarks, and more.
What are the best post FX settings for visibility?
2022年2月3日 · Check if your monitor and your graphics drivers are set to full RGB. There’s one value you can double in postfx that turns t7 goggles from grainy garbage to basically wall …
What Is Post-Processing in Video Games? The Real Impact
2023年9月19日 · Central to this allure is a lesser-known technique called post-processing, which finesses each frame to elevate the visual aesthetics of a game. As players dive into vibrant …
120/144/240fps? :: Post Void General Discussions - Steam Community
2021年7月8日 · With post void, if the game dips down into the 30s or 40s, it gets noticeably slower. It has to do with the engine the games are built on. Yes I know, and I would like to …
Escape from Tarkov - Best PostFX settings (Patch 0.14)
2021年12月13日 · These PostFX settings provide better visibility, especially on EFT's new map, Streets of Tarkov. Go to Settings > PostFX, and select the "Enable PostFX". Then adjust …
Post Processing, why the huge frame rate drop?
2021年1月14日 · With post processing On I get 55fps, with it Off 160fps. It looks nicer but not 3x nicer. Even if I set the ppfilter .ini sections to Enabled=0, it still drops the frame rate 2/3rds.