[Noob question] What is post processing? : r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS - Reddit
I'm simplifying, but essentially post-processing is work that is done after the initial frame is rendered. Your computer renders each frame as a still image.
What is Post Processing in PUBG Mobile? - Playbite
2024年3月14日 · Post processing refers to the visual effects added to PUBG Mobile after the game renders its basic graphics. These effects make the game look cooler and more realistic. …
What Does Post Processing Do in PUBG Mobile? - Playbite
2024年3月14日 · Post processing in PUBG Mobile is all about making the game look and feel better. It’s like putting on glasses and seeing everything in HD. This feature works behind the …
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Patch Notes - Update 32.2 - NEWS - PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS
2024年11月4日 · Learn more about our new Arcade mode: Hot Drop, inspired by our players. Don't forget to check out the upcoming Special Drops announcement for an exciting event! …
r/PUBG on Reddit: What’s the point of post processing? And …
2018年9月26日 · Post-processing encompasses effects like ambient occlusion and dynamic lighting. “Low” will give you ambient occlusion, which is a notable visual improvement. “High” will add a sort of depth of field, and Very High will add dynamic lighting effects like bloom and god rays. Pros probably turn it to very low to see better.
Post processing and what it really does - Aculite - Reddit
2017年6月10日 · Adding onto this: as a general rule of thumb everything that adds more stuff to the game (view distance, more foliage, particles etc.) will tax the CPU whereas everything that makes the game look prettier (post processing, shadows, high res textures) will tax the GPU.
Introducing Update 34.2: Discover all the latest features and improvements! Tune in for all the latest patch notes, collaborations and item updates from PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS.
PUBG绝地求生Error报错全攻略:从根源到解决方案,一文详解_pubg …
2024年5月13日 · 本文将深入剖析PUBG中常见的Error报错原因,并提供一系列行之有效的解决方案,助你顺畅游戏,享受无碍的战斗乐趣。 症状描述: 游戏启动或游戏中途频繁掉线,报错提示与网络状况有关。 解决方法: •使用 加速器:考虑到PUBG服务器位于海外,国内玩家可通过选择一款稳定的加速器优化网络连接,减少延迟和丢包现象。 •网络重置:使用命令提示符执行“netsh winsock reset”命令,重置网络设置,有时可有效解决网络故障。 症状描述: 游戏启动报错, …
How To Change Post Processing PUBG Battlegrounds - YouTube
2023年12月14日 · In this video, we explore the topic of changing post-processing settings in PUBG Battlegrounds. Join us as we delve into the process of adjusting these setti...