Pot Ale And Spent Lees | Whisky Magazine
2018年3月21日 · Pot ale also contains dead yeast, and proteins derived from the barley (effectively a ‘slurry’). The only trace of solids are fragments of barley husk, which drain from the mash tun. There’s also one other significant element. “Pot ale contains alcohol at a strength of about 0.1% ABV, which is a standard figure in the industry. Trying ...
Whisky Co-Products; the extra bits & bobs. Part 2 (Pot Ale)
One method of pot ale disposal is the manufacturing of pot ale syrup through evaporation. The result is a sweet, thick, malty nectar, not unlike molasses, and a constant request among the bovine and porcine diners. Sadly, sheep get the shaft, as the high levels of copper in the syrup tended to have a negative effect on their desire to continue ...
Recoverable resources from pot ale & spent wash from Scotch …
2022年4月1日 · The laboratory pot ale (n = 12) gave typical amino acid accuracy and precision within 10% of the target concentration and an RSD ranged from 3.77% (tryptophan) to 19.8% (hydroxyproline). Spiked pot ale recoveries ranged from 83.5% (cysteine) to 119% (arginine). All samples were analysed in triplicate and results above the limit of detection.
POT ALE Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
2011年5月10日 · The meaning of POT ALE is the residue of fermented wort left in a still after the distillation of whiskey or alcohol and used for animal feed.
Characterization of Pot Ale from a Scottish Malt Whisky Distillery …
2020年3月16日 · Over 2.7 billion liters of pot ale is produced annually as a co-product of Scottish malt whisky, and apart from evaporation to pot ale syrup as a feed, it is primarily treated by anaerobic digestion or land/sea disposal. The aim of this study was to assess pot ale components and their potential applications. The insoluble solid fraction, mainly consisting of yeast, contained 55% protein, and ...
POT ALE | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
POT ALE definition: 1. the liquid left after the first distillation (= a process of heating and cooling liquid) when…. Learn more.
(PDF) Characterization of Pot Ale from a Scottish Malt Whisky ...
As a feed, pot ale was traditionally fed to pigs with the earliest distilleries closely linked with agriculture6 and can be concentrated by evaporation to pot ale syrup, a nutrient-rich and palatable ruminant feed, listed under number 1.12.16 in the EU catalogue of feed materials.11 Pot ale syrup is typically 42% dry matter, 13.4% protein, and ...
Distillation - Whisky.com
2025年2月14日 · At the end of the distillation process, the pot ale - also known as spent wash - remains in the wash still with a residual alcohol content of around 1 % vol. However, it is not only alcohol that remains in the liquid. Valuable proteins and …
Characterization of Pot Ale from a Scottish Malt Whisky ... - PubMed
2020年3月16日 · Over 2.7 billion liters of pot ale is produced annually as a co-product of Scottish malt whisky, and apart from evaporation to pot ale syrup as a feed, it is primarily treated by anaerobic digestion or land/sea disposal. The aim of this study was to assess pot ale components and their potential appl …
Whisky Co-product Power Generation - Co-products - Strath
Pot Ale. This is the liquid residue from the wash still. The presence of yeast cells and dissolved barley solids gives this a high COD of around 65-71 g/l which is unsuitable for disposal untreated but useful for biogas production in an AD plant. Spent Lees. This is …