Pota Focal
Foclóir neamhspleách Gaeilge. Independent Irish dictionary.
Pota Focal | Gluais Tí · House Glossary
Pota Focal House Glossary is an Irish → English dictionary intended primarily for learners of Irish and for speakers of Irish as a second language. It contains over 6,000 entries covering the …
GitHub - michmech/pota-focal-gluais: An Irish-English dictionary …
The 'House Glossary' is an Irish-English dictionary for learners of Irish which forms the main part of my website Pota Focal. It contains over 5,000 entries covering the basic vocabulary of the …
Random Camera Blog: Developing High-Contrast Films with POTA
2019年11月25日 · The purpose of POTA was to use high-resolution document films such as Kodak Technical Pan, Agfa Ortho, and Macophot ORT25 as normal photographic films. The …
Pota Focal | bior seaca
Foclóir focal agus téarmaí Gaeilge de chiall chosúil nó ghaolmhar. A dictionary of words in Irish with similar or related meanings.
Pota Focal | imir
Foclóir focal agus téarmaí Gaeilge de chiall chosúil nó ghaolmhar. A dictionary of words in Irish with similar or related meanings.
Pota Focal | focal
Pota Focal · foclóir neamhspleách Gaeilge | independent Irish dictionary. Cruthaithe ag
Irish sentences bank (Pota Focal House Glossary) - AnkiWeb
Most of the sentences have been hand-picked from published language-learning texts and would serve well as example sentences in a dictionary. Many of the sentences do in fact occur as …
Tools to Improve Your Irish Language Skills - LetsLearnIrish.com
2025年1月23日 · Pota Focal is a really useful collection of resources for Irish-language learners created by Michal Měchura a computer scientist and language technologist from the Czech …
European Dictionary Portal: Pota Focal
The European Dictionary Portal is an initiative of the European Network of e-Lexicography. COST is supported by the EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020. Is your dictionary in the …