Olmedo Potes (@1potesholmedo) - Twitter
2019年8月25日 · The latest Tweets from Olmedo Potes (@1potesholmedo): "Buenas ideas construyendo país y haciendo política https://t.co/ro96eBsql4"
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maxi potes (@Maaaxi9) - Twitter
2017年7月10日 · The latest Tweets from maxi potes (@Maaaxi9). Que vivaa el futbollll pibeee⚽️💪. Verónica, Argentina
alexia potes (@alexiapotessam) - Twitter
2012年6月12日 · The latest Tweets from alexia potes (@alexiapotessam). Virtual Assistant supporting Coaches & Consultants who enjoy success & are ready to move to the next. paris - new york
See President Joe Biden's first tweet as POTUS: 'No time to ... - CNET
2021年1月20日 · President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris sent the first tweets from their official POTUS and VP Twitter accounts on Wednesday shortly after their swearing in at the inauguration. In...
President Biden Posts First Tweet as @POTUS: 'No Time to Waste' - Variety
2021年1月20日 · Twitter switched control of @POTUS and other official White House handles to the Biden administration on Wednesday, just minutes after Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris were sworn in on the...
Twitter Officially Transfers @POTUS Account to President Biden - Variety
2021年1月20日 · Twitter transferred the White House accounts to the Biden team on Wednesday after President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris took the oath of office. In addition to @POTUS, those are...
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Pagina officialis Praesidis Civitatum Foederatarum Americae, cum nuntiis et renovationibus.
The Ultimate Travel Guide to Potes, Spain - Travel & Brew Blog
2023年3月29日 · If you're looking for a unique and authentic travel experience in Spain, look no further than Potes. This charming town, located in the heart of Cantabria, offers visitors a glimpse into traditional Spanish life, surrounded by stunning natural beauty.
« Humour » ou « débile » ? Le tweet de Thomas Portes, exclu pour …
2023年2月10日 · Le tweet de Thomas Portes a enflammé l’Assemblée nationale ce vendredi 10 février, à la veille de la quatrième journée de mobilisation contre la réforme des retraites et alors que se profile une semaine cruciale pour l’examen du texte. En cause, la photo postée jeudi sur Twitter par le jeune député LFI de Seine-Saint-Denis.