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PhotoMol - spc.embl-hamburg.de
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Injection Molding Services | Online Injection Molding Quote
Custom injection molding for plastic prototypes and on-demand production parts in as fast as 1 day. Request an injection molding quote today. Certifications ISO 9001:2015 | ISO 13485 | CTQ Inspections | ITAR. Make the move from prototyping to on-demand manufacturing for affordable, high-quality molded parts within days.
ProtoMol: A rapid PROTOtyping MOLecular dynamics object …
ProtoMol is an object-oriented, component based, framework for molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The framework supports the CHARMM 19 and 28a2 force fields and is able to process PDB, PSF, XYZ and DCD trajectory files.
Photochem | An Open Access Journal from MDPI
Photochem is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal on photochemistry published quarterly online by MDPI. Open Access — free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions. High Visibility: indexed within Scopus, ESCI (Web of Science), EBSCO, and other databases.
Design Guidelines: Plastic Injection Molding - Protolabs
Our basic guidelines for plastic injection molding include important design considerations to help improve part moldability, enhance cosmetic appearance, and reduce overall production time.
通过使用三种不同的DNA提取方法,对非洲传统发酵食品poto poto …
传统的发酵食品poto poto(来自刚果共和国的玉米面团)和dégué(来自布基纳法索的小米面团)的微生物组成是通过文化独立的方法进行研究的,方法是使用TTGE分离玉米中扩增的目标V3区来自总微生物群落的16S rRNA基因,然后进行DNA测序和同源性搜索。
PyMOL | pymol.org
PyMOL is a commercial product, but we make most of its source code freely available under a permissive license. The open source project is maintained by Schrödinger and ultimately funded by everyone who purchases a PyMOL license. Open source enables open science. This was the vision of the original PyMOL author Warren L. DeLano.